
If Bitcoin Decides To Drop One More Time

RSibayan ที่อัปเดต:   
Bitcoin has now created a Bear Flag.

If Bitcoin Decides To Drop One More Time, Price May Find Support At $7.5K to $7.4K Levels reached by a red candle wick.

The red candle body may pullback and close at $7.6K - $7.7K eventually creating a bullish divergence with the RSI.

Remember to always, always place your stop loss at the appropriate levels immediately after you have put in your long/short position so as not to get stopped out at your trades.

>>>>> Always be prepared for either scenario of upwards movement, downwards movement, or sometimes even sideways movement (consolidation phase & sometimes even extended consolidation phases). <<<<<

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Ron (The Intrepid Trader)
Guys, we might re-visit the $5K when price drops before the weekend starts.
If it does, here's how this may look like.
Will the price continue to pull back up?



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