
Bear Market

JacintoMonteiro ที่อัปเดต:   
Money Flow and Bear Markets...

Consolidation? I dont think so.

Till clear proof of contrary i stand as bear, since May.
Check TAs below.

Good luck!
Hits MA50. Lets see.
Honestly still not convinced we going up.
Lets see if it breaks the green channel then maybe.
BTC got out of the green channel but still has to get out of the blue one (big resistence). If BTC manages to break even further it will be very interesting but I am very much still in doubt.
Touched the top of the blue channel.
Will it break up or is it over and we go down?
I really dont know and i wish i knew, i would enter 100% in crypto.
Still bear and waiting for breakout confirmation then we see. xD
Got out of the blue channel... nice.
Now is trying to find support on top of it.
Will it hold?
ปิดการเทรด ด้วยตนเอง:
Channel was broken.
Death cross about to be inverted.
Good sign.


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