
Weekly Bullish Trend Pick up can result in massive pump

UnknownUnicorn6209745 ที่อัปเดต:   
Hi all,
I am back with another Chart. Today I noticed that there is a trend pick up on weekly which can result in the massive pump up to 11k with very short time. Note that this is a weekly chart and hence target time frames will be little long unlike daily charts. However I would keep the daily charts updated when ever I find a buy/sell opportunities on the smaller time frames. So I request you to check the updates as well.

Very interesting bulls manipulation to trap the bears.
You can see in the 3 below red wicks that the level of support bulls providing the price Going back to daily as long as the last candle is blue(Green) it indicates a Bull move:
On 30minutes scale It is so bearish
Even daily turned strength less.
Weekly is slightly bullish.

SO we can expect some dip on daily scale...I suggest to stay away from long for tiny amount of time until l I update.
As updated above we had little dip untill 9065. I will still wait for the right opportunity and update here
ปิดการเทรด ด้วยตนเอง:
Hi, I am closing this chart as I observed that no one are focusing/reading the updates so I decided to post short term charts rather than long terms trades where I tried to update the short term trades

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