
Wondering why price action is not following your trading plan?

Traditional TA has folks following antiquated ideas like drawing lines, following lagging moving averages, and following indicators that may not have the proper math behind them. There is a better way. You can use new tools like probability cones to look for areas of confluence to make trades from. These cones assume asset price follows a log-normal distribution and the log return follows a normal distribution. They are very good at showing the probability range of price action up to 30 bar period. In this case you see I have stacked 4 of them on top of a one period back bar. I can make better trades by using these and other volatility tools for a good trading plan and put the probabilities in my favor instead of hoping that PA is going to bounce of my 21ema. It's time for a better way. You can see the results for yourself.
For more info on this tool see.
Probability Cone [BAPig]
