Bitcoin's volatility has NOT been going down with adoption

โดย timtom85
Just to counter the B.S. that BTC is volatile only because it's still too new: NOPE, its vola has stayed roughly the same, except it no longer fallsn back as much during the lull periods as it used to. Also, the volatility is highest during the rallies, when bitcoin sees the most growth in its adoption (that's when even your taxi driver is boasting about his new "investment" lmao.)

Note: I just quickly picked and adopted someone's "Historic Volatility" study and turned it into a "relative volatility" measure, which is really just the same thing just more meaningful. The end result is something like the logarithm of the ratio of the ATR and the close price. It's basically a vola-like measure on the logarithm of the price.
Trend Analysis
