
BTCUSD - The Awakening 2020 - Coming to a Theater Near You!

WyckoffMode ที่อัปเดต:   
Be mindful of a POTENTIAL dip (pull back) in the 90 minute Time Frame. If you prefer to wait for a pull back, that's perfectly fine. As you noticed, the target range of $12,308.40 to $14,611.32 is still in play. However, may not occur until first week of June or second Week of June if my analysis is correct. BOTTOM LINE: I cannot help but trust what we are seeing with the White Energy (WE) in the Weekly Time Frame; that upward pressure may likely continue for a while. Which means the current downward pressure we are seeing is ONLY brief. We also see chance for upward pressure to continue with the WE in the 9-Day Time Frame. Don't forget we could have a pull back in the 90-minute. We may also have a pull back when the WE in the 3h TF comes down to the 50% level. So, if you prefer to wait for THAT pull back, it's perfectly fine. However, I have no idea how high this may or may not go until the WE in the 3h TF comes down to the 50% level.

DON'T FORGET: May 24, 2020 will be a HUGH day in regard to MANY time frames beginning a NEW Candle. Which means we will have updated indicators providing us a LOT of information. Of course, we also need to pay attention to the new WEEKLY Candle on May 25, 2020 for additional information.
The 2-Day Time Frame:
Weekly Time Frame:
Pull Back may be in progress in the 90-Minute TF:
"The Awakening 2020" - Act Two: Pull Back Soon in 3h Stoch. RSI


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