
Retracement Ops - minor update

hardforky ที่อัปเดต:   
Just tweaked the timings.

Initial bounce op hit low and high target back down to just shy of 9,020. I did not trade this following my 'log' debacle and the fact that the initial low was deeper than expected so decided to proceed with a little caution as I wait for a bit more that the trend will hold.

- RSI looking negative but I'm now expecting (and added) a minor move up for now to chill out RSI before a larger move.
- Minor investment at this stage in BNB, expecting 9,038 BTC to be pretty much the bottom for the next few days then further decline below MAs. Not committing anything else until the trend becomes clearer.
- Pros are now bearish again - Their TA is better than mine but seem to be struggling to make decent predictions in this balanced market and are tending go for the safe bearish option. If it drops deeper now I suspect my trend will continue but the peak highs will be lost and I'll break eve, at best buy me a Friday night shandy!
- Parking BTC analysis to focus on forecasting future (July) ALT ops. Pissed I sold my ZIL at around $14, Looking for re-entry at $11 after the pump? ;)
- see related idea.

P.S. I know the chart looks messy but it's just indicative suggesting when I should consider buying and selling and when the plan is breaking down. I calculate my bids accurately but also use this to plan swing points for ALTs (as it is impossible to track and plot many of them).

Glass Half Full, HardForky
Looks like the Market Maker has decided to dump as volume drops off and breaking up to more liquidity has become invalid. Pros on point



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