BTC USD Trend-Line & Reduction Zone Map (BTCUSD 1 HOUR)
BTC USD Probability Trend-Lines
(Bitcoin USD 2019 Trend-Line Probability Map)
Bitcoin 365 Day Net-worth Forecast $68,110.119 Based on Condensed July Long-term Trend-Line
Forecast Start Date of Condensed July Long-term Trend-Line between July 7th and July 14th
Bitcoin USD 2017 Long-Term Downtrend Trend-Line
(Was The Only Long-term Trend-Line Possible)
Downtrend Channels lead to Stronger more Dominant Long-term Trend-Lines that are more Condensed and Downtrend Channels are caused by Condensing and Consolidating Liquidity...
(In Previous Posts where I said Log-term Down-trend, I should have said, Dominant or Strong Down-trend Channel or a Wide Gap or Tight Gap Reduction Zone)