
BTC - Is Bitcoin getting ready to turn Bullish??

redking75 ที่อัปเดต:   
Hello everyone and thank you for looking.
So, going over the Bitcoin charts looking for where the end to this price slaughter may happen, like we all are dreaming of, I may see some slight hopes of an end to this landslide.
Did we find the bottom of this current downtrend channel on June 24th?
As you can see, BTC bottomed out at 5755 and the very next 4 hour candle shot up over 8%.

Since then, Bitcoin has been pretty much flat and sideways in price action, creating what seems to be a bullish flag pattern.

Maybe I am just dreaming? But there seems to be some hope. Let's see how this plays out.

Do you agree? Disagree? Comments and likes appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day!
BTC has some fight left
First attempt to break out of this downtrend channel failed.
Downtrend channel breakout!
Bitcoin seems to have settles down and found support at 6300. Another bullish flag in the making? Monday am could be interesting. The EMA20 has just crossed up too.


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