I'm hoping by posting this chart BTC makes a fool out of me and pumps hard...because I got bags.
Anyway this is just something I put together looking at previous bitcoin dips, from 2014 to now, if we were to follow a similar pattern.
We *COULD* be in for a really really long downward trend, until we finally slowly reverse, of course the magic pump does not happen until we have broken 20k, which may take as long as June 2021.
So there's hope for bag holders but you'll have to seriously test your patience, if this happens, we are in for a long long ride.
There is good news though, if for some crazy mad chance Bitcoin does following this exact pattern, by March 2022 we will be at $215,000 for 10326% gains. I guesstimate a 0.01% chance of this happening though.
Please note in your calendar to come back and check this chart on March 2022 :)
*Note I'm not a financial advisor, I'm bad at crypto, I've got bags of shtcoins*