They say 3 tounchs on a trendline is minimum to create valid line and so this maybe the 3rd This is purely based on observations of simialr time scales and only time will tell if this is going to work. It does however, marry up well with some other ideas and Bitcoins future path. This does, of course, rely very much n the fundamentals and everything is being thrown at the Crypto Space, by TradFi and old School, to try and discredit it. Should Bitcoin survive this onslaught, them we may see this happen. The Time span of Arc 2 is certainly long enough to take a knock and recover. The Arc it self is placed with averages and so PA can Dip and rise above with out invalidating it However, if PA drops more than 14% from current, then it is invalid, depending on how quick recover is. I will accept a weekly wick as a plausible recover to stay within