
Be On HIGH ALERT This Weekend So You Don't Miss Out!!!

WyckoffMode ที่อัปเดต:   
As mentioned in the previous video, it's POSSIBLE to have a shakeout in the form of a Falling Knife down to in between the 0.618 and 0.786 FIB Re-Trace level before resuming our upward pressure in our higher time frames (12-Day and higher). If this shakeout were to occur, it would be a falling knife to QUICKLY liquidate margin longs at current and lower price levels; it would be a falling knife to also try to avoid allowing too many margin longs on high leverage to get in on the action. Which means, if you intend to do a margin long, ideal would be in between the 0.618 and 0.786 on the falling knife. If you are more conservative on want to see more confirmation, you can wait for the move back up to around the 0.5 to 0.382 FIB Re-Trace Level to go margin long. However, you will have less cushion for your emotional well-being going margin long at the 0.5 or 0.382 out of concern of one more dip (shakeout) before going up.

AGAIN, this does not necessarily have to occur. I just wanted to point out this is VERY POSSIBLE in order to allow you to have a PLAN and PREPARE. The only thing is; you MUST BE ON THE READY. Because IF it were to do this, IT WILL BE QUICK. Why? I just mentioned why in the previous paragraph. I believe we can POTENTIALLY expect to see moves like this more often in the future as we carry-on to new highs in the months and years to come; now that we have a slew of margin exchanges on the scene compared to times past.

Feel free to comment to provide any advice you may wish to offer to other traders; post a chart and/or publication.

Happy Trading and Stay Awesome!

Here was the PREVIOUS VIDEO:

NOW is the Time to Be On ALERT; NOT Lazy or Indifferent!!!

Keep in mind: If this (shakeout) were to occur; this would simply move the date range of my target range to last week of June to first week of July more than likely. If this does NOT occur, the current date range and price range is still on.

Keep in mind: If that shakeout were to occur; this would simply move the date range of my target range to last week of June to first week of July more than likely. If this does NOT occur, the current date range and price range is still on.

Let's NOT forget the 4-Day White Energy pointed out in a previous video publication. It's still very possible we do not see a shakeout.


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