
BTC USD Fib Fans

Mikelikescrypto ที่อัปเดต:   
Looking for either a break up or down at key support/resistance. The RED line is the trend line support upwards, a break through that line would likely lead to a big bear move. Breaking the .382 Fib Fan from the prior peak will show continuation, 25-30k onward. Good luck!
Went long at the start of the 26th at line break. Don't see much more downside from here on out, nice test of support on 12-28, bounce to next resistance, expecting break up in about a day.

Break down is always remotely possible, no stop loss on BTC right now. Tethers printed, retracement is over IMO.
Looking to break the last fib on the fan. A break up is very bull!

this is my opinion and is not financial advice.
15k! Let's run another leg up!

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