$6M Bitcoin backing Government FIAT dollars, liras, euros, yens!
Since the un-peg of the USD from gold 50 years again with Nixon's need to fund a failing foreign war, the world governments have placed with world monetary policies. Putting some nations in good positions and others on bad positions.
Asset owners worldwide want a fair valuation system to allow fair trade. That's missing with all the monetary gaming going on between governments. We all want to ensure our assets don't love value. With 40% new money printed in the last two years, the value of our current government issues dollars have been chopped by about half. That's why the world is rushing to Bitcoin as the sole solution to inflation. Increasing interested rates will wipe out main street so Wall Street's sole benefit. Populations won't allow elected officials to allow that to happen. .
So, fortunately, after decades of "monetary easing," which is fancy name for "counterfeiting more unbacked dollars"
We have the perfect bull case for Bitcoin. Buy and HODL off exchange. Get a cold wallet asap and figure out how to do it. The sooner, the cheaper.... Here's why the Bull case for Bitcoin is a no-brainer.
1. Wall Street and SEC have trapped Bitcoin investors in Bitcoin labelled non-bitcoin investments using derivatives and Futures. Complete manipulation attempt by Bankers that is being called out by Raoul Paul and other Macro traders. Imagine if all the billions trapped in fake Bitcoin assets or derivatives, flows into Bitcoin? It will. The SEC and US Legislators will become World Financial Criminals if they continue to allow toxic instruments to impact a pure, verifiable and unbreakable fixed assets such a Bitcoin. Short term overselling of SEC approved Wall Street paper fraud will quickly become clear when cryotoquants continue to sound the alarm on exchange inventory. Expect a massive short squeeze that will send exchanges into deficit. The shady ones will rug pull. Find a good exchange that is protected by your home government as your on-ramp to Bitcoin and move purchased Bitcoin to a cold wallet with proper backup. You become your own international world bank. Usable worldwide on a common protocol, just like the Internet!
2. For some of us, we have pegged to Bitcoin. It's 200% gain year or year and battle tested 12 years of existance is clear. Bitcoin is the new World Reserve Currency. Nations just El Salvador has moved to a manipulated currency to a fixed, pegged and verifiable asset. The total world value of BItcoin is USD/BTC: 1,700 sats currently. As steady state, it should 100 bitcoin sats per "dollar". So 17x price increase from there on that metric, it's reasonable to assume a full Bitcoin setting for 1M each
3. Assuming all governments worldwide were in a position to balance the books, if all world governments could therefore peg their to Bitcoin, we would required 2,067,190,453 BTC at current prices So Bitcoin at 60K is too low, to cover all the World Fiat currency, assuming no more printing, that each Bitcoin would have to be 6M each to support all the World Fiat to obtain a level, world wide, class-wide, fair trading.
If you're a short term trader, on Bitcoin, you'll be selling real (aka spot) Bitcoin to a Wall Street Bear who is covering the oversold shorts these market manipulators have open.