
BTCUSD : Still Long / Bullish ?

So... on BTC, my bullish setup is as follows:

EW wave 1 with 5 waves has completed then after we seen an ABC correction that we forecast has ended @68.1 so long as it does not break below 68.1 if it does then we are forecasting that our wave 2 then will be @78.6 where then we will be looking for another different buy setup if there is.

but for the current setup we then currently see the market @78.6 of the lower degree waves where we are forecasting that we'll have our 1 & 2,3,4 till 5 of Wave 3 of the Higher degree.

Please remember market structures change so Trade Responsibly and Don't forget to use your own Risk management.

Also this is my bullish forecasting as i also have Bearish forecasts as well incase bulls fail, so i will be updating you gyus, dont forget to like,follow and share. Dankie



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