Hello, welcome to this BTC /USD 1DAY chart update by CRYPTO SANDERS.
I have tried to bring the best possible outcome to this chart.
CHART ANALYSIS:- Bitcoin (BTC) climbed to a two-month high in today's session as the price climbed above the $21000 mark.
After a low of $17,995.20 on Thursday, BTC/USD rose to a high of $19,031.80 at the beginning of the day.
As a result of this move, the world's largest cryptocurrency climbed to its strongest point since November 8, when the price was above $21,000.
Looking at the charts, the rally peaked at 82.00 with the 14-day Relative Strength Index (RSI), its highest level in over a year.
Moreover, the upside trend continues to mature at the 10-day (red), and 25-day (blue) moving averages, thus adding to the bullish momentum.
Nevertheless, prices are now well beyond overbought, which could mean the bears are hiding and preparing for re-entry.
This is not a piece of financial advice.
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