I think we are here now (but my guess is as good as yours) But calculating the timespan from each "mountain/rocket" I would see it's this place.
So it looks like it is going downward in a few hours (12.00h UTC ???? or 15.00h UTC ???)
maybe the arrow should point to the other side of the spike??
it looks like the restistance-line lies at ~9750
as you can see in the Monero-graph, a aprt of the fractal can be lifted up enormously. So we can't predict everything. For instance: can the coming tail be lifted up too? It's not what I expect but.......
we didn't make 12.ooh and we will not make 15.00h either. So late coming night (00.00h - 06.00h??)
he's exactly doing right now (16.32 UTC+1) like the graph of januari.! Little spike down, and if everything oké (not fallingout Bitfinex f.e.!) then slowly climbing back to 9750-9800.
"little" wa to optimistic! Lower then expected (9000) that means maybe it's not reaching that high eighter this evening, hopefully still 9600 (?) before going down to (hopefully again) 8600. we wait and see.