Entertaining psychology gettogether with coffee - part 2
Hi Everyone! (who is willing to give a click)
My last chart was so successful (at least from my perspective :P ) that I thought why not continue. But before that, I would like to share an important fact with You.
I have been thinking about how to write these little tales. There are many people here who make an analysis and as a conclusion say that - We might go up now, but keep in mind that we can go down as well - We will presumably go down, but keep in mind that we can go up as well - We will move sideways, and than up or down, we will see - No idea, let's wait
Okay okay, I know that technical analysis is not about saying something for 100% sure, I know that. That much even I know (*hugging his little knowledge to himself*) But even so, these conclusions are quite easy to defend afterwards. They cover everything, don't they now? I have nothing to say against that. But since my posts are not about serious and deep technicals, instead about some dumb basic psychology wanado, I decided to WRITE MORE EXACT CONCLUSIONS (*applaud*)... no? no applaud? Well... I know I will be risking that I will be wrong and shame will fall on me like a mountain of pain (*looks in the distance bravely, but with shaking lips*). And people will say that boohoo you missed the train? or boohoo you were buying high? And the trolls from the mountain will eat me alive. But before that they will seriously f***... Okay I stopped. I just wanted to state that I adore people who get their life energy from mobbing unfortunate people on internet forums. It's a pity that they don't have anything else more entertaining in their life.
As I wrote in my previous analysis, I am just wondering what I would do if I were a person with big money, big enough to influence markets. This means by no way that I think I can figure out what whales think. I am just interested if I can guess their moves at least sometimes. I described that I would do these nice little green spikes that we encountered during the last few weeks. Why I write about MAKING green (or red) spikes to influence the market?
- Because I just can't imagine and believe that small people with small money suddenly think in the exact same little time period that "I will buy now!" *click* Seriously. Even for two persons it is hard to think or work together. And someone really believes that millions and millions and millions (okay I stopped) people can make a move together just by accident. You may absolutely believe what you want, it's a free world (at least now, at least some parts of it). I don't believe that. Just like they don't decide to sell at the same moment.
- BUT! If they get a kick strong enough, people can turn into a herd (including myself sometimes. *Baaaa*). And then begins the avalanche. Downwards. Or upwards. Yes this avalanche can go upwards.
- The third occasion and THIS IS IMPORTANT NOW, when people buy together as a collective being at once... Is when price the market i so strong that if people see a big sell, they don't get scared, but instead start to buy like hell. This is triggered by a red spike downwards.
The downwards red spike is in many aspects similar to the upwards green spike. It's a test. Tests if there is a will to buy. And we had green spikes. They triggered buying. But the last one or two...
Well, if I was a rich big fat pig, I would say (as I hinted in my previous novel) that it seems like green spikes don't turn people on so much. They are uncertain. And I would think about trying a lower price, maybe then they will buy. Well, it seems like the rich people tried this red spike, and checked whether people are willing to buy the dip with haste or not. Checked if people are still brave and happy, or if they began to be scared and are questioning their belief in this rally.
And now comes the statement, the conclusion, owwhellyeah. If it was me holding the moneybag and the influence, I would say that this is not convincing yet. Maybe I would scratch my cheeks a bit and think about a green spike again. Maybe. But people did not buy the spike or the dip so eagerly. I would rather begin to doubt that they believe in higher peaks right now. I would seriously consider giving them a lower price, to check whether they buy it or not. And seriously begin considering taking my due share. Corrections are part of the market after all, right? It's no evil thing to make one. Everyone who knows TA know that. Right? It's just natural to fall deep to hell. Right? Unbelievable that they still don't realize reality.
At least that's what I would think right now, if I had moneeej. Let's see if I can think with others heads.
DISCLAIMER: - This is no trading advice. Even if there was absoultely no advice in my novel. Even then it's no trading advice. - I by no means say that I can think with a whales head. I would rather think with a rays or an octopus' head anyway. I am just brainstorming.
Hugs to everyone, take that money from the rich, Robin!
OH-OH-OH!!! Just another word. I recieved a like for my previous post. May I... how to say this. May I get... two... now? I would be crying on the floor in happiness :,) But I know I can be greedy. It's not good. Don't be greedy.