
Crypto Exchanges: Profitable Correlations

Comparing Price Movements of one Crypto-Currency on multiple Crypto Exchanges can be very profitable!
My approach is to compare the Movements on an Exchange with high Volume with the price Movement on an Exchange with low Volume.
The Hypothesis is that if the Price on the low Volume Exchange is falling, while the Price is rising on a high Volume Exchange, the Price on the low Volume Exchange will follow the direction of the high Volume Exchange.
I proof this Hypothesis with backtests and I already found some really nice Correlations and here is another one:
If BTCUSD is falling on the 1H chart on HitBTC (low Volume) while XBTUSD is rising on BitMEX (high Volume), the probability is high, that the Price will start to rise on HitBTC too.
There are only a few Trades a year that match the criteria, but more than 80% are profitable with a low Drawdown.
Here's the Screenshot with the backtesting results (TradingView might not show the Output of the Strategy Tester when I publish a Idea of the Type "Education")
arbitrageCryptocurrencyTrend Analysis

⚡ ProDivergence buy.stripe.com/3cs14e15h6FiaBy6oo
⚡ ProTrend buy.stripe.com/4gweV49BN5Be4da8wx
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