
July 14 Bitcoin Bybit chart analysis

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BYBIT:BTCUSD.P   BTCUSD Perpetual Contract

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If my analysis is helpful,

I would like one booster button at the bottom, please.

Bitcoin 30 minute chart.

There is no Nasdaq indicator announcement today,
Tether Dominance is in full swing.

*In arrow movement path

One-way long position strategy

1. $31066.5 long position entry section / stop loss when breaking the green support line

2. $32339.5 long position 1st target -> Target range from Booster to $34016 over the weekend

Currently, the 2-hour chart MACD dead cross is what I care about the most.

The Nasdaq is expected to move moderately upward.

I'm rebounding from tetherdominance
The Bollinger Band 1-hour chart is being pressed at the center line.
(Awaiting follow-up purchase depending on the situation)

If only the main section does not break through, it may be connected with a vertical drop again.

Please note that there may be extreme cross-border protection.

My analysis is for reference only.

Please operate safely as principle trading / stop loss is essential.

You worked hard this week too

thank you

$31162.5 I'm going to chase and buy today.

If it breaks the green support line, the stop loss will proceed in the same way.

3 consecutive buys in this spot...

What will be the result?

have a nice weekend

See you next Monday.

thank you
ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการตัดขาดทุน:
it's a BitcoinGuide.

I will check the movement after writing the analysis on the 14th.

This is the movement after writing the NASDAQ analysis article.
The major sections were marked with a black finger.

Light blue finger path 15523.2 without touch
After touching the top section as it is, finish with strong adjustment

There was a movement that moved sideways to the right and down.

This is the movement after writing the Bitcoin analysis article.
The major sections were marked with a black finger.

Arrow movement path $31162.5 After entering the chase
Green Support Break / Stop Loss

The stronger-than-expected decline reached the Bottom -> True Blue support level.

A gap section was created at the bottom of $30193.5 that occurred on the weekend

I checked the reason for the decline.
On the verge of Bitcoin's continued uptrend

As Bitcoin couples to the fall of the Nasdaq,
It seems to be connected to the surge in tether dominance.

I keep playing around with the difficult uptrend,
It's not easy to touch the Booster section at the top.

I'll check it out after a while
We'll sort it out.

thank you

*비트코인가이드 공식텔레그램 Telegram

*빙엑스 BingX 50%DC+$5,000 (청산할때만 총1회수수료)

*바이비트 Bybit 20%DC+$5,020

*게이트아이오 Gateio 30%DC+$6666



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