
May 21 BTCUSD Bybit Chart Analysis

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I will begin BTCUSD Bybit Bitcoin Chart Analysis for May 21th .

This is an analysis on the 20th.

Sky Blue Finger Movement Path

Failing to break through the red resistance line , sideway move finish.

Up to $5870 profit segment

Congratulations to all the profitable people.

4 hours chart.

I have marked each major section.

Check the price of the top / bottom section

Please check the upward / downward movement path.

Larger red resistance line / green support line
Within the convergence section, a trading strategy was created.

This is today's trading strategy.

It's a 30-minute chart long position strategy.

At your current location,

* Red arrow on the path of movement,

Long position strategy.
Stop loss is the green support line.
Check the target price at the top

Entering the $37475 long position -> $44686 It is waiting after liquidation.

(Short position operation is also good in the short term)

*On the path of the sky blue finger movement,

Short -> Long switching strategy

Red Resistance Line Stop Loss / Short
Purple Support Line Stop Loss / Long

That’s it for today’s strategy.

We hope that you operate safely as principle trading / stop loss is essential.

Thanks for reading.

ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการตัดขาดทุน:

*비트코인가이드 공식텔레그램 Telegram

*빙엑스 BingX 50%DC+$5,000 (청산할때만 총1회수수료)

*바이비트 Bybit 20%DC+$5,020

*게이트아이오 Gateio 30%DC+$6666

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