
April 13 BTCUSD Bybit Chart Analysis.

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I will begin BTCUSD Bybit Bitcoin Chart Analysis for April 13.

This is the movement after writing the analysis on April 12th.

For more details,
I have summarized it at the bottom of the analysis, so please check it out.

I marked the main sections with black fingers.

Yesterday, I waited for a major rebound (V rebound) on the Nasdaq, but,
The worst move came out.

In a downtrend, forcibly raised it to the right
At the 9:30 indicator release, it was applied favorably to the Nasdaq.
It went all the way to Jangdaebee Peak.

After that, at the maximum that can be raised,
A down wave occurred (4-hour center line + 1-hour resistance line)
Eventually it went downhill.
Today's daily support level opened to the downside.

The worst move that I expected yesterday came out again.

Because you didn't come down yesterday
The daily chart support line has opened downwards,
If it fails to rebound today, it could lead to a strong decline.

Keep in mind that this is a highly variable stock.

In addition, the announcement of the indicator may result in temporary strong movements, but
In the end, according to the chart, the overall direction cannot be changed.
Confirmed again.

Bitcoin hopes to be on the Nasdaq,
Yesterday too, I was too busy to follow the movements,

According to the possibility of rising to the right,
I drew a purple parallel line
It fell along with the Nasdaq.

After a weak rebound from the light blue support line in the danger zone shown below
It is crossing.

Yesterday's strategy didn't even come out
Because the desired movement did not come out,
Cancellation has been processed.

Let's take a look at the analysis in its entirety.

It's a 4 hour chart

So that we can go together with Nasdaq as much as possible
I went ahead and interpreted it.

around the green support line,

Red up / sky blue down movement path check

I made today's trading strategy.

This is a 30-minute chart one-way neutral strategy.

I tried to keep pace with the Nasdaq movement as much as possible.
A full candle is currently in progress, but it is a condition that will be maintained without leaving.
In case of falling from the current position (30-minute resistance level)
Notice the blue finger at the bottom.

After yesterday's worst move,
Because the Nasdaq daily support line has opened.
Literally in the danger zone, it's a two-way strategy.

* When the red arrow moves

Long ->short -> This is a long switching strategy.

40518.5 shot -> 39822 long -> 41521.5 shot -> 39987 long until finishing

Even if I do not explain the main sections separately, I think everyone will use them well.

You may not be able to reach the top price.

Please focus on the center selection of the approximately 4 hour chart.
The maximum will be the Top price.

Today, it is moderately sideways rather than trending,
Please note that after a drop from the top price, if the rebound is not good, it may be connected to a downtrend.

Don't forget to buy in principle / Stop Loss is essential,

Thanks for reading.

ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการทำกำไร:

It's a Bitcoin guide.

I will check the movement after writing the analysis on April 13th.

After the final comment of the Nasdaq, it is a move.

While imprinting the 1-hour chart MACD dead cross
In the end, the rebound took place at 11 o'clock instead of 7 o'clock.

than expected, Pushed down by one timing,
All the waves have progressed at once, ignoring the intermediate waves.
Due to the lack of power overall, it rose less than expected.

Proceed according to the arrow movement path,
End with an upward upward trend.

Bitcoin 30 minute chart.

Like the Nasdaq,

Equally, it rose to the Top price without a middle wave.

solve all the waves at once
because it has risen,

Rising as it is without adjustment in the middle.
Likewise, due to lack of strength, it reached the green resistance line.
Couldn't rise.

Continuing with the previous entry,
Without breaking the green support line, the maximum profit is $1711.

Because it was a strong rise, without an intermediate correction
Perfect didn't work.

Congratulations to all who made a profit.

From the current position, it seems that the decline and the rise will continue to be distinguished.
I have to wrestle with the Nasdaq today.

thank you.

*비트코인가이드 공식텔레그램 Telegram

*빙엑스 BingX 50%DC+$5,000 (청산할때만 총1회수수료)

*바이비트 Bybit 20%DC+$5,020

*게이트아이오 Gateio 30%DC+$6666

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