
May 4 BTCUSD Bybit Chart Analysis

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I will begin BTCUSD Bybit Bitcoin Chart Analysis for May 4th .

This is the movement after writing the analysis on May 3rd.

Red arrow / sky blue finger moves to the middle.
The trading strategy has been canceled.

Red Support Line / Bottom
Final finish.

There was a whipsaw.

4 hours chart.

Overall, I have marked the main sections.

Check today's Top / Bottom price.

Largered parallel line support resistance line
Smaller within the sky blue resistance line / green support line

It seems that the direction will be decided.

Focusing on this part,
I created today's trading strategy.

This is a 30-minute chart short position strategy.

Based on the orange resistance line
(over shooting line)

*Red arrow

Short -> Long -> Short switching strategy.

Purple Support Stop Loss /
Target is the red resistance line.

*At the time of the sky blue finger movement path

Short -> Long switching strategy.

Short position stop loss orange resistance line

In the final bottom section,
Long position switching.

Supported by the green support line
Sideway move.

This week for personal reasons Very busy.
And Tomorrow is a Korean holiday.

Because of my work, it is difficult to write an analysis.

Thank you for your understanding,

Have a nice day.

Thank you.

ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการทำกำไร:

$ 4100 profit

*비트코인가이드 공식텔레그램 Telegram

*빙엑스 BingX 50%DC+$5,000 (청산할때만 총1회수수료)

*바이비트 Bybit 20%DC+$5,020

*게이트아이오 Gateio 30%DC+$6666

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