CME:BTC1!   สัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้า CME ของบิทคอยน์
You need to make sure you can get support at point 5850.
In addition, support is required on the uptrend line (1).

A gap between 6060 and 6210 was formed.
If there is a rebound to fill it, there may be a challenge to climb above the 6860 point.
Be sure to check the support section.

If you touch below 5250 points, I think you are more likely to ascend while creating a "W" pattern.

However, if it is not properly supported, there is a possibility that it will fall, so I only hope that it will not be reaffirmed.


As BTC is expected to fluctuate around March 23rd (22nd to 24th), I think it is a good idea to look at the trend during this period.


All coins are located at attractive prices.
However, careful trading is necessary as BTC moves.

[Example of exchange chart setup]



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