
Bitcoin Dominance 100% predicted by CryptoPatel& still More room

CRYPTOCAP:BTC.D   Market Cap BTC Dominance, %
#BITCOIN Dominance Chart Update :-

#BTC dominance now 64.58%

As I predicted It will fall so Finnaly target had been achieved.

That All Crypto Influencers and channels Told you to exit from Altcoins but I single told you to enter.

Hope you understand very well.

I told you to enter in Altcoins when Dominance was 71% so now almost 6% dominance down.

And all Altcoins almost 100% up.

Hope you earned and learned with my TA.

Still Waiting for big Altcoins Sessions.

Support :- 65% ✅

Now Support because resistance.

New Support :- 58%
Resistance :- 65%

Please Click LIKe button and Appreciate my hard work.

Must follow me for latest crypto real time updates.


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