Quick & Simple :
- in 2014-15-16, BTC was mostly alone and his supremacy was Total, you can see in the graph his Dominance was around 95%-100% of the Total Market.
- in 2017-18, when alts popped around the corner, BTC Dominance went down to 35%. Alts started to moon than BearMarket came around.
- in 2018 , you can notice that when BTC dominance grown more than 50%, we came back in a full Bearmarket, the top BTC Dominance reached 70%, then a New Cycle Started.
- in 2020-21-22, with this new BullMarket, it could be really possible with DEFI/SWAPS and lot of new projects that "TheKing Dom" will fall between 27%-25%.
. After that zone reached, we could consider that Bearmarket will come very fast.
- Follow closely Dominance and try to understand it, this is the way to understand in wich parts of the cycle you are.
- Check in comments my older analysis about Dominance to get the moves.
Happy Tr4Ding !