
Altcoin Dominance Retesting 200 Week MA. Bounce to 40% Incoming?

dragononcrypto ที่อัปเดต:   
Is this the start of another alt season? Altcoin dominance needs to close above the 200 Week MA at 30.65%. Despite the downward trend of the 20, 50 and 100, the 200 remains in a bullish posture trending upwards. Is Bitcoin going to sell off and profits go towards altcoins finally? MACD is looking to bull cross soon, the RSI is leaving oversold territory after three months of being oversold, monthly RSI has been finding support at 40.

The altcoin market has otherwise found support from the 200 Week MA in recent weeks :-)

Oops, I meant to use . This is actually +1% out :/
Here is the correct chart for altcoin dominance, now also includes fib retracements :-)


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