
BTC Dominance: Trending up, if it breaks out...

IvanLabrie ที่อัปเดต:   
CRYPTOCAP:BTC.D   Market Cap BTC Dominance, %
I can see a big rally in Bitcoin Market Cap Dominance here. We had a good signal which I pointed out in my previous chart, both the decline until the target, as well as the move up rebounding from it as it flashed a bottom signal. Alts are weak here, most look like trending down further vs $Bitcoin so I would urge investors to hold $Bitcoin rather than alts here. With some exceptions, overall, the altbtc ratio will likely trend lower still as a whole.
Next step is seeing how it acts when the cyan box above is retested in a couple weeks.


Ivan Labrie.
ปิดการเทรด ด้วยตนเอง:
Looks like dominance will drop for a bit longer here.
Broke out after some consolidation, it's now a massive long term trend against alts.

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