Binance Coin

Binance Coin 2025 Fibonacci Trend Line Lattice Forecast

This chart shows the potential upwards trajectory of BNB/USD over the next 6 years with the prolonged growth of the cryptocurrency market. I am confident that with binance becoming one of the first major exchanges to take a large market share of the global exchange markets and solidifying that positioning with its new added debit/credit card wallet functionality. That it will become a titan of the industry.

The Fibonacci Retracement highlights the potential room for growth in the long term with the ability for price to see highs of 148USD by 2025 if we see an upward movement to 1.618 on the retracement chart in the next 72 months which I believe is highly probable if not certain to happen with the adoption rate of the technology as well as the inclusion of institutional players into the market.

Certainly an underlying cornerstone digital asset to anyone's cryptocurrency portfolio I'd advise making it a strong addition to any plans you have over the coming years.

Remember plan for your future not for present and you will succeed in this market!

Dollar cost averaged purchases of BNB coin over the next 4-6 years could net you well over 54,000% in profit if accumulated consistently and correctly. Make sure you don't start too late!
