Bitcoin's Moving Averages (Fibonacci Sequence)

The Fibonacci Sequence

In a previous post we discussed phi, the Golden Ratio, 0.618. Adjacent numbers along the Fibonacci Sequence trend toward this ratio. Growth and decay can be witnessed through this proportion.

Using daily closes, I have overlaid the SMAs and EMAs. The same colors represent the same set of periods while the brighter color is the EMA and the duller color is the SMA.

Starting with the 5th number of the Fibonacci Sequence:

5 black
8 orange
13 red
21 pink
34 purple
55 dark blue
89 light blue
144 light green
233 black
377 orange
610 red
987 pink
1597 purple
2584 dark blue
4181 light blue

Next we will take a look at Moving Averages using Lucas Numbers and conclusions will be saved for later.
Accidentally forgot to update the indicator before posting. I had originally used a teal in between light blue and light green that I decided to get rid of, so the following is the corrected legend:

5 black
8 orange
13 red
21 pink
34 purple
55 dark blue
89 light blue
144 teal
233 light green
377 black
610 orange
987 red
1597 pink
2584 purple
4181 dark blue
Moving AveragesTrend Analysis

