
Is Crypto Beginning a Months-Long Bull Run? (Elliott Wave)

Intuit ที่อัปเดต:   
BNC:BLX   Bitcoin Liquid Index
Because wave-C reached half the time of A+B, and because it seems that we have had a sufficient bullish reaction to begin either a wave-D, or a higher degree wave-(b), we should be beginning a 6-12 month bull run that could take us close to or beyond the previous all-time-high price. This is confirmed by the momentum and by looking at several other cryptocurrencies which are displaying similar bullish patterns. At this point it seems best to switch from a neutral-bullish position to a bullish position.

This forecast from May has held up very well price and structure-wise. Time-wise we seem to have completed faster than originally forecasted.

Moved this idea to the above chart.


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