
BIRLA CORP - Bullish Overview | 'W' formation

Price Analysis & Overview:

1. Price moving from demand zone.
2. EMA support is taken.
3. Double bottom type formation can be seen.
4. A strong trendline breakout will be expected.
5. Earnings are good.

Trade Plan:

1. RRR is favourable.
2. ENTRY = CMP around 1588
3. SL = 7-8%
4. TP = 30-40%

- Stay tuned for further insights, updates and trade safely!
- These are my personal views.
- If you liked the analysis, don't forget to leave a comment and boost the post. Happy trading!

Disclaimer: This is NOT a buy/sell recommendation. This post is meant for learning purposes only. Please, do your due diligence before investing.

Thanks & Regards,
Anubrata Ray


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