BCHUSD 15: Until 8.8. 240 USD, than 2 ways poss. > 65 or 440 USD

BTCINVESTING ที่อัปเดต:   
KRAKEN:BCHUSD   บิทคอยน์ต่อดอลลาร์
Cryptos are "Fibo-Business". In this way I have analyzed BCHUSD. It is to be treated with absolute caution. It is pure speculation. ;-) But the up and down has been strictly in accordance with fibo, so perhaps the future course according to the fibo-levels too. So, I currently see two scenarios from 8 August onwards. First of all a course around 240 USD until the 8th of August and then either crash max. to 60 USD (fibo 1.5) or up to 420/470 USD (fibo 0.5).

Let's see what happens. Happy trading. :-)
walk along the redline.
The red line seems to work. It could be the oscillator center line. Around this line the price will oscillate until it has reached the end. At the end stands an impulse for more up or down. The 8th of August will give us this impulse. Currently I see more a down.

red line still works ...
So now we are at 240 USD. Exactly where I predicted that the bcc (BCH) will move. Now I see a decision triangle with an end at 200 USD.

we saw 240 USD as predicted. now we are in a consolidation phase with an up trend. this is the new trend line until 8.8.
here we are. 430 usd! exactly on track. now be careful!
now down stairs... as expected.



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