#banknifty OI 12% and price up by 1.39 % shows long buildups.
Now Every Resistance that we had, has turned into support.
Upside target's opened are 23,568 / 24,284 / 24,328 / 24,556 as long as 22,410 holds.
Will I short in this market? Yes, below 23,198 I will short.
Elliot Wave:-
Wave 1 :- 21,403 - 22,410
Wave 2 :- 22,410 - 21,901
Wave 3 :- 21,901 - 23,568 (1.618 of wave 1) - In progress.
Wave 4: 23,568 - 23,210 - Not started
Wave 5 : 23,210 - 24,328 - Not srarted
Now the question is where the setup will fail?
If #banknifty breaks 22,410 the setup fails.
Decision zone:- 23,322 - 23,198
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