
Aerwins - A study of a SPAC -

As of the latest data, the stock was trading at around $0.0953, which marks a minor increase of $0.0003 (+0.32%) from its previous close. This level of activity reflects the ongoing fluctuations in the stock's value, which has seen a broad range over the past 52 weeks from as low as $0.076 to as high as $2.92​​. Based on the latest information available for Aerwins Technologies Inc. (ticker: AWIN)

Financially, Aerwins Technologies has been navigating through challenges, as indicated by its performance metrics and stock trends. The company's market capitalization stands at approximately $5.974 million, with a significant range in its daily trading volume and price points over the past year​.

Do your research and due diligence.

Michael Gogel

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