FX:AUDUSD   ดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
We finally got a nice Bearish Price Action (engulfing reversal) on friday, however the body of that candle was a bit too big to enter that trade with a decent Risk/reward ratio.
So we are planning to enter this trade once we have a 50% Retracement, this would give us a nice 3.82 Risk/reward.
Happy Trading

Price Action tracker
Skype: PriceActionTool

PS: Guys, as you all know, at the moment we can only share ideas via Twitter and Stocktwits, i ve asked Tradingview to add Facebook and Linkedin. .
If you d like them to add those 2 extra social media options please show your support here getsatisfaction.com/...social-media-sharing


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