AUDUSD Trade Analysis for Short Position

After long bullish trend from last week, price reach key resistance area
price rejection from key resistance area
price break lower the recent trend line and bearish trend detected

Look for price pull back and enter short position

Sell Limit 0.69789
SL 0.70489
TP 1 0.69389
TP 2 0.68789
TP 3 0.67789

*Please apply your own risk management skill
*Risk no more than 1% of your trading capital
*Always trail your profit
*Apply BEP to protect your capital
If the pending order didnt get filled, we will delete the pending order

The content on this trade analysis is subject to change at any time without notice.
Any information provided here is only the personal opinion of the author.
This information is intended for educational purposes.
Chart PatternspriceactiontradingsupplydemandtradingTrend Analysis
