FX_IDC:AUDUSD   ดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
AUDUSD chart mapping/analysis for last week of November.

TBC further details/write-up via ideas section.
AUDUSD Write-up (29th Nov)
  • Risk-off sentiment has been favouring the Aussie Dollar, but not a developing oversold DXY bounce lol.
  • Currently in no-man's (trading) land between rally off Golden Pocket & overhead 50% Fib & R1 resistance line.
  • Zoom in on lower timeframe for clearer intention re: price action pressuring below 200MA back into Golden Pocket, or finds support & continues upward trajectory.
  • Dichotomy between recent RBA hawkish stance vs. US Fed dovish leanings also plays well for AUD bull-thesis...fascinating.


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