FX:AUDUSD   ดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย / ดอลลาร์สหรัฐฯ
Hello Enthusiast Forex Trader! Here's Long-term outlook for AUDUSD , Support the Channel by smashing the FOLLOW and LIKES Button, then Share your opinion on the Comment Section below :)

*AUDUSD has broken out of the rising wedge pattern on h4 timeframe
*Breakout of RIsing Wedge Pattern could indicate a potential bearish movement in the near future
*MACD indicator starts already cross above the zero level area, that signify the stronger bearish momentum may remains ahead.

The roadmap will be invalid after exceeding the resistance/target level

This isn't a recommendation to buy or sell forex pairs,only an Outlook from technical perspective.


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