FOREXCOM:AUDCAD   ดอลลาร์ออสเตรเลีย / ดอลลาร์แคนาดา
The price has been growing for almost a year (from May 2020).
In doing so, it relies on strong support (August 2019).
In the course of price increases is uneven.
The movement is accompanied by strong periods of growth and collapses.
After another such collapse at the beginning of the month, the price came to support.
In early March, the price collapsed and broke through the level of 0.965.
As well as the resistance line of the rising channel at 0.971.
Then I came to support 0.965.
I expect growth from this support.
You can start buying.
SL - 0.953.
TP - 0.965.

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