

Welcome folks to my new update on ANKR/USDT. To analyze this chart, I am gonna use a higher time frame of 2 days.

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Ever since ANKR reached its ATH ($0.217), it has maintained a baseline which is now very important support. The current price is exactly at the position where ANKR was last year in July and if ANKR repeats the history then we may see a 170% rally by the end of July 2022. I ain't cracking jokes here, look at the chart. Things are possible if ANKR maintains the $0.06 support level cause breaking below that level will invalid the chart and we will have to look another way around to figure out the market.

My strategy:

I will accumulate ANKR until and unless it holds the support level. Once it breaks below it, I will exit all my ANKR holdings. I will accumulate ANKR on spot and will completely avoid leverage trading on this one.

If you guys wanna be on the safer side then you can enter this trade if ANKR breaks above the 21 D MA. Remember, this will be a mid-term holding so don't complain if you aren't making money quickly.

What do you guys think about ANKR?

Let me know in the comments.

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Thank you.


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