
AMC | Informative

shkspr ที่อัปเดต:   
NYSE:AMC   AMC Entertainment

we have two possibilities:

1- RSI is low, it's in oversold territory, and volume on the last session was more than average, so I expect a bounce up like a dead cat bounce for adjusting the indicators. If it breaks 21.07$, it can hit 23$ or 24$ as the target price.

2- It can continue bearish price action and hit the following support levels; this idea is valid if it loses 20.03$, then the next immediate targets are 17$ as minor support and 15$ as significant support,

I expect it hits 7$ eventually. But we will see. I flow with the market at the moment; there are many uncertainties.

*This is my idea and could be wrong 100%
Trade is active and it's going to the price target.
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