
ADBE Adobe Options Ahead of Earnings

TopgOptions ที่อัปเดต:   
BATS:ADBE   Adobe Inc.
If you haven`t bought the dip on ADBE:

Then analyzing the options chain and the chart patterns of ADBE Adobe prior to the earnings report this week,
I would consider purchasing the 560usd strike price Puts with
an expiration date of 2024-3-15,
for a premium of approximately $27.70.
If these options prove to be profitable prior to the earnings release, I would sell at least half of them.

ปิดการเทรด: ถึงเป้าหมายการทำกำไร:
ADBE traded at $485 after earnings, and the Puts went up from $27.70 (when I wrote this article) to $67.54 at the close on the expiration day (a lot higher intraday), for about 2.44X gain!
Congrats to those who bought the puts!



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