
Cardano :- Beast in the Making!!

Akshath1994 ที่อัปเดต:   
BITTREX:ADAUSDT   Cardano / Tether

Cardano has been hammered in the past during the current bear market, but this is now become a really enticing price to pick up some amount of ADA.

Cardano has traded within the Downtrending Parallel Channel as seen within the above mentioned chart.
A support zone is now placed at 0.118.

A move to 0.20 can be witnessed if price increase has been supported by volume.Volume is currently extremely high and signals a bottom is in place at the moment.

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First signs of move towards the top of the trading range.
Look for a price - volume breakout before buying some ADA.
A breakout has been witnessed on the lower time frame.
A daily close above out downtrending channel would signal a move to begin trading long.

Keep an eye on the Light Blue moving average as that could act as resistance and also as a indicator to the future trend.



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