MTG Trading Strategy Backtesting Results for ADAUSD
Here are my backtesting results for the MTG Strategy. 3 years of price data was tested. With a starting balance of $1000, my final account balance was $529,684.55 after only making 26 trades. My win rate was 61.54%. The maximum drawdown my account ever experienced was 9.75%. Talk about outperforming the market!
Account Starting Value 1000 Ending Account Value 529,684.55 Risk Per Trade in Percent 5 Number of Trades 26 Max Draw Down 9.75% Wins 16 Losses 9 Consecutive Losses 6 Consecutive Wins 5 Breakeven 0 Winrate 61.54% Average Win 17.68% Average Loss -3.57% Largest Win 52.50% Largest Loss 5.00%