Cardano(ADA) Price Prediction Until The End Of 2021
Hello crypto investors,
This is my first ever price prediction here on TradingView. I hope you will like my Cardano(ADA) price prediction.
Since the last bottom, 96 days ago, Cardano increased its marked cap twice. I believe this is due to much viral news(mainly rumors) about Cardano's smart contracts. Imagine what will happen when they actually introduce the smart contracts in the system.
There may be a small % of people(newly crypto investors) that will sell because of the 2x. Hence I expect a price drop to around $2.50 this month. At $2.65 and below I will start adding more ADA to my portfolio.
As usual, there will be a quick jump to ~$ 3.40 and then followed by a small drop in the price to ~$3.00.
In late October or early November, I expect ADA to start a new bull rally. Until the end of the year, the price should reach ATH around $4.00. Maybe we will test the $4.20 zone but nothing more.
What are your predictions about ADA until the end of the year? Let me know in the comments.
As you have seen we reached the target price a week earlier. I'm in active buying of ADA. There is an opportunity for ADA to get to lower $2 - around $2.10 in the coming week but I won't save all of my money for that deep.