Cyclic Lines
Cyclic Lines allow a user to set two vertical lines a specified distance apart. Once the lines are set, repeating vertical lines will appear equidistant apart and will appear indefinitely into the future. What this means is that as time goes on (and price changes), or even if the user just scrolls forward in time, the vertical lines will keep appearing. They will always have the same amount of space between them as the first two lines placed by the user. This can be useful for setting up custom trade sessions or intervals. It helps to visually break up the chart (in regards to time) in a manner that would not necessarily be available to the user by default.

In the Style property dialog, it is possible to change the appearance and configuration of the Cyclic Lines:
Sets the color, opacity, thickness and style of the lines.

In the Coordinates properties dialog, you can set precisely the position of the Cyclic Lines by setting the position of initial two points on the price scale (by setting the price) and the time scale (by setting the bar number) and save these custom changes as template if needed:

#1 ( Price, Bar)
Allows for the precise placement of the first cyclic line (Price 1) using a bar number and price.
#2 (Price, Bar)
Allows for the precise placement of the second cyclic line (Price 2) using a bar number and price.
In the Visibility properties dialog, you can toggle displaying of the Cyclic Lines on charts of different timeframes.
Allows to configure a drawing to be displayed on particular intraday and daily timeframes on chart. For any timeframe you can select either to show it, or to hide: