UB Profit Signal IndicatorThe UB Profit Signal indicator is a technical analysis tool designed to identify potential buy and sell signals in the market. The indicator is based on four technical indicators - Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), Relative Strength Index (RSI), Bollinger Bands (BB), and volume moving average.
The script starts by defining input variables such as MACD Fast Length, MACD Slow Length, MACD Signal Length, RSI Length, etc. These variables are used to customize the indicator based on the user's preference.
The MACD is calculated using the ta.macd function, which returns three variables: the MACD Line, Signal Line, and Histogram. The MACD line is calculated as the difference between two exponential moving averages of the price. The signal line is a moving average of the MACD line. The histogram shows the difference between the MACD line and the signal line.
The RSI is calculated using the ta.rsi function, which calculates the RSI value based on the number of periods specified in the RSI Length input variable. The RSI is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements.
The Bollinger Bands are calculated using the ta.sma and ta.stdev functions. The Simple Moving Average (SMA) is calculated using the close price over 21 periods, while the Standard Deviation is calculated using the close price over the same 21 periods. The upper and lower bands are then calculated based on the SMA and Standard Deviation.
Finally, the buy and sell signals are generated based on specific conditions that combine the MACD, RSI, and BB values. For example, a buy signal is generated when the RSI value is greater than 30, the volume is greater than the volume moving average, the close price is greater than the 9-period SMA, and the close price is between the upper and lower BBs. Similarly, a sell signal is generated when the RSI value is less than 40, the volume is greater than the volume moving average, the close price is less than the 9-period SMA, and the close price is between the upper and lower BBs.
The buy and sell signals are plotted on the chart using the plotshape function, which creates triangular shapes above and below the bars to indicate the signals. Green triangles indicate a buy signal, while red triangles indicate a sell signal. Overall, the UB Profit Signal indicator can be useful for traders looking to identify potential buy and sell signals in the market and take advantage of price movements.
Weekday Change & Volume Average TableHaving a reference point for comparing with current data has always been an important task in market analysis. This script tried to give a better understanding based on weekdays.
This script shows that in the current ticker, what is the average movement of the price (High-Low) and volume for each weekday. Depending on the market and the exchange it should be different.
The Interesting point is that, for example in BINANCE:BTCUSDT , on Saturday and Sunday, volume is about 30% less and the price movement is about 20% less.
The script can be used on any timeframe and any symbol, just remember that the data shown is based on the candles on the chart, so it is different also based on your tradingview's account since Historical bars available for Basic is 5K, Pro & Pro+ is 10K and Premium is 20K; And in lower timeframes it is calculating more recent data.
Volume Trend AnalysisThe VTA indicator is a trend analysis indicator based on trading volume and candlestick charts, used to determine the states of bullish strength, bearish strength, and market balance. When the bullish volume gradually increases while the bearish volume gradually decreases or remains steady, the market is in a state of bullish strength; when the bearish volume gradually increases while the bullish volume gradually decreases or remains steady, the market is in a state of bearish strength; when both the bullish and bearish volumes remain steady, the market is in a state of market balance.
The VTA indicator can help traders better determine market trends, select appropriate entry and exit points.
Relative Price Volume
Relative Price Volume is an indicator which shows anomalies between price and volume on a chart over a given period. The goal is to identify potential reversal and/consolidation areas for price as it relates to volume. It is a simple variation of a Volume at Price indicators. It can also be used to mark potential support and resistance lines on the chart as the areas it signals is where the price battles are waged.
Period = length for which to calculate average candle body and average volume
Long Factor = relative size multiplier to determine if a candle is larger than average or if volume is higher than average
Short Factor = relative size multiplier to determine if a candle is smaller than average or if volume is lower than average
Anomaly Conditions
1. If a candle is larger than average and volume is lower than average, then this is an anomaly, and we should be on alert for a change in momentum.
2. if a candle is smaller than average and volume is higher than average, then this too is an anomaly and should put us on alert.
The indicator will draw a cross on the chart indicating the candle is that is flashing the warning that the run is done and a potential consolidation and/or reversal is pending. Used in conjunction with support and resistance levels this could signal a time to enter or exit a trade.
The default size factors considers a candle or volume:
1. Larger than average if it is 60% or more (.6) larger than average.
2. Smaller than average if it is 40% or less (.4) smaller than average.
Hope this helps! Happy trading!
Volume and vPOC InsightsThe vPOC or volume point of control shows where most of the volume was traded. This is important because this is where the institutions and market makers have opened their positions, and these are the ones that move the markets!
This indicator is designed to cut through the volume noise, and enable the hiding of lower volume data.
The main setting allows you to define a lookback, and obscure the candles whose volume is less than x % of the highest volume in this lookback.
Of the remaining candles, their vPOC will be displayed. There are extra settings to extend naked vPOCs, as well as the highs and lows of these high volume candles, plus an EMA based on the vPOC price levels.
I must credit quantifytools @quantifytools who allowed me to utilize his code, for finding vPOCs using lower timeframe candles - there are comments in the code also. It works perfectly so why reinvent the wheel?
High/Low VolumeIn this indicator, I show you a better way to define high/low values of volume (or any other indicator).
Quite often, I get requests from my clients that an indicator level should be “high” or that it should be above a certain absolute level.
The first request is hard to interpret mathematically, but traders can easily spot it on the chart. The second one is not flexible, and it might not make sense in another market regime.
To solve that, you can compute dynamic high/low levels that represent unexpected extreme values that are adaptable to recent conditions.
There are two pretty simple methods I’m using quite often in my scripts percentiles and sigma (standard deviations).
Percentile looks back at X bars and computes the value under which a certain % of data points are located. So, for example, if we’re computing 90%tile and we’re looking at 100 bars, we’ll get a value under which we have values of precisely 90 bars for this indicator. It’s a good idea to use something like 5%tile for low level and 95%tile for high level.
Sigma(σ) is related to standard deviation. If we assume that our data is normally distributed, then 68% of data points should be in the range of mean +-1σ, 95% → mean +-2σ. So we can assume that something above 2σ is a pretty rare and extreme event.
In this script, I give you an example of how to compute both on volume, but you can easily change this to another indicator.
The issue with volume is that it’s not normally distributed, and your low level will be quite often too low to detect any low levels. Ideally, we have to use a more sophisticated formula that fits volume distribution better.
In this indicator, you can set the following parameters:
Choose type: Percentile or Sigma
Lookback Period
High/Low Percentiles
Sigmas #
You can also receive alerts for high/low volume events.
Please remember that past performance may not indicate future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may no longer perform as well as in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
[potatoshop] Volume Profile lower timeframeThis script is a volume profile that displays the volume of transactions in price blocks over a recent period of time.
For a more detailed representation, OHCLV values on the time frame lower than the time zone on the chart were called and expressed.
Low time frames are adjustable.
You can adjust the number of blocks and the most recent time period that you want to view.
Although it cannot be compared to the volume indicators provided for paid users of Trading-View, it has functioned by displaying transactions that are difficult to find on open source.
Displays the amount traded in each block and the percentage of the total over a given period.
POC represents the middle value of the block with the highest transaction volume as a line.
TPOC represents the block that stayed the longest regardless of the volume of transaction.
The reversal line appears when you determine the trading advantage of the rising and falling closing on a block basis and then have a different value from the neighboring blocks.
(I didn't mean it much, but I just put it in for fun.)
It represents the total volume of transactions traded in each block, and there are also check boxes in the settings window that represent the volume of transactions that closed higher and closed lower.
You can specify the color of each block.
The highest and lowest values for the set period and the total sum of each block are displayed at the bottom of the box.
Because it was made using a lot of arrays, the total transaction volume was marked separately to check the value.
When expressing the price block according to the trading volume percentage, it was a pity that the minimum pixel was 1 bar, so it could not be expressed delicately.
Although set to bar_time in Box properties xloc, 1 bar was actually the minimum unit of the X-axis value.
The logic used to place the transaction volume for each block is as follows.
1. Divide the difference between the high and low values of 1 LTF bar by the transaction volume .
2. Find the percentage of this LTF bar within each block.
3. Multiply the ratio by the transaction volume again.
4. Store the value in each block cell.
Below are the codes of the people I referred to this time.
1. ‘Time & volume point of control (TPOC & VPOC)’ by quantifytools
2. ‘Volume Profile ’ by LuxAlgo
3. ‘Volume Profile and Volume Indicator by DGT’ by dgtrd
The script is for informational and educational purposes only.
이 스크립트는 최근 일정 기간동안의 거래량을 가격 블록단위로 표시해 주는 볼륨 프로화일입니다.
좀 더 자세한 표현을 위해 차트상의 시간대보다 낮은 시간 프레임상의 OHCLV 값들을 호출하여 표현하였습니다.
낮은 시간 프레임은 조절 가능합니다..
보고 싶은 최근 일정 기간과 블럭 갯수를 조절할 수 있습니다.
트뷰 유료 사용자들을 위해 제공하는 지표와는 비교할 수는 없지만, 오픈 소스상에서는 찾기 힘든 거래량을 표시해 기능을 넣었습니다.
각 블럭에서 거래되었던 양 과 주어진 기간 동안의 총량 대비 퍼센트를 표시해 줍니다.
POC는 거래량이 가장 많았던 블럭의 중간값을 라인으로 표현해 줍니다.
TPOC는 거래량에 상관없이 가장 오랜 시간 머물렸던 블럭을 표현해 줍니다.
반전선은 블럭 단위로 상승 마감과 하락 마감의 거래량 우세를 결정한 뒤, 이웃 블럭들하고 다른 값을 가질 때 나타납니다.
(어떤 뜻을 갖고 만든 건 아니고 그냥 재미로 넣어 보았습니다.)
각 블럭에서 거래되었던 총거래량을 표현해 주며, 또한 설정창에서 상승 마감한 거래량과 하락 마감한 거래량을 표현하는 체크 박스가 있습니다.
각 블럭의 색깔을 지정하실 수 있습니다.
설정된 기간 동안의 최고값과 최저값, 각 블럭을 합친 총량을 박스 하단에 표시해 두었습니다.
어레이를 많이 사용하여 만들었기 때문에 값의 확인을 위해 전체 거래량을 따로 표시하였습니다.
가격 블럭을 거래량 퍼센트에 따라 표현할 때, 최소 픽셀이 1bar 이어서 섬세하게 표현 할 수 없어 안타까웠습니다.
박스 속성을 xloc.bar_time 로 설정하였지만 실제로는 1 bar가 X축 값의 최소 단위였습니다.
각 블록 별로 거래량을 배치 할 때 쓰인 로직은 다음과 같습니다.
1. 1 LTF bar의 하이 와 로우 값의 차이를 거래량으로 나누어 줍니다.
2. 각 블록 안에서 이 LTF bar가 차지 하는 비율을 구합니다.
3. 그 비율에 다시 거래량을 곱해 줍니다.
4. 그 값을 각 블록 셀에 저장해 줍니다.
밑에 제가 이번에 참고한 분들의 코드들입니다.
1. ‘Time & volume point of control (TPOC & VPOC)’ by quantifytools
2. ‘Volume Profile ’ by LuxAlgo
3. ‘Volume Profile and Volume Indicator by DGT’ by dgtrd
Money Flow IntensityThis indicator works very similarly to Elder's Force Index (EFI) and builds on top of what I have for the Money Flow Line (see my other scripts). It combines price movements with volume to create sort of "dollar flow" pressure up and down, looking for "smart money" ("big money") to make their move.
The indicator uses a lookback period to calculate a standard deviation of the movement intensity, then creates gradients to visualize how intense the movement is relative to other movements. This helps measure the pull away from the average more easily than with the Money Flow Line alone.
Much like with EFI, high intensity moves can indicate two things:
1. Strength and conviction in the current direction OR...
2. A reversal is coming soon
You can also watch for waning volume in the current direction, indicating that a trend is losing interest and may be due for a pullback.
There is no way to know, but combining this with price action and a trend indicator can help give you some good educated guesses about what could happen next. Combine with averaging in or out and managing risk appropriately. Good luck :)
Dollar Cost VolumeWhen asset prices rise or fall greatly it can be difficult to measure the interest levels across time periods. Think of assets like BBBY, GME, CVNA, BTCUSD, etc... :)
This simple visualization multiplies a pricing option by the volume to give a "dollar cost" volume over time. With this, you can more easily measure interest levels from "smart money" ("big money") and eliminate some of the noise from large volume moves when prices are very low (or small volume moves when prices are very high).
Volume profile zonesHi all!
This script calculates and shows the volume profile for the range of a higher timeframe candle. It then shows support or resistance (/supply or demand) zones based on the volume profiles with the most volume. The defaults are just my preferred settings so feel free to play with them! Also feel free to let me know about bugs and features. I already have a list of features to make, e.g.:
base on pivots
more info zone calculations, e.g. breaks and retests, virgin point of control etc.
add alerts
get rid of getPriceLevels()
get rid of _barVolumeProfile prefix
handle realtime
Best of trading luck!
Igniting CandlesDisplays (and alerts) abrupt changes in volume, by default it compares previous candle volume to the current one but average volume over custom look-back period can be specified. Simply adjust filter to the volume change (or average volume) required before visual indication and alert will fire.
The theory is that large changes in volume forecast the future movement; certainly combine this indicator with other tools to build a more sound trading plan.
DollarVolume/MarketCap_Ratio (DVMC) This script simply displays the ratio of "Dollave Volume (Volume * Close)" to "Market Capitalization(Total Shares Outstanding * Close)" of stock.
Formula = (DollarVolume / MarketCap) * 100
Outliers Detector with N-Sigma Confidence Intervals (TG fork)Display outliers in either value change, volume or volume change that significantly deviate from the past.
This uses the standard deviation calculation and the n-sigmas statistical rule of significance, with 2-sigma (a value of 2) signifying that the observed value is stronger than 95% of past values, and 3-sigma 98.5% of past values, and so on for higher sigma values.
Outliers in price action or in volume can indicate a strong support for the move, and hence potentially more moves in the same direction in the future. Inversely, an insignificant move is less likely to be supported. And of course the stronger, the more support.
This indicator also doubles as a standard volume indicator if volume is selected as the source, but with the option of highlighting outliers.
Bars below significance can be uncolored (gray) to unclutter the visuals.
Differently to almost all other similar indicators, the background highlighting is dynamical, so that all values will be highlighted differently, not just 2-sigma or 3-sigma, but also 4-sigma, 5-sigma, etc, with a different value of transparency.
The dynamical transparency value can be calculated in two ways: either statically proportionally to the n-sigma but capped at 10-sigma, or either as a ratio relative to the highest observed sigma value over the defined lookback period (default: 300).
If you like this indicator, which is an extension of previously published indicators, please give some love to the original authors:
* tvjvzl :
* vnhilton :
This extension, authored by Tartigradia, extends tvjvzl's indi, implements vnhilton's idea of highlighting the background, and go further by adding dynamical background highlighting for any value of sigma, add support for volume and volume change (VolumeDiff) as inputs, add option to uncolor insignificant bars, allow plotting in both directions and more.
True Accumulation/Distribution (TG fork)An accumulation/distribution indicator that works better against gaps and with trend coloring.
Accumulation/Distribution was developed by Marc Chaikin to provide insight into strength of a trend by measuring flow of buy and sell volume .
The fact that A/D only factors current period's range for calculating the volume multiplier causes problem with price gaps. They are ignored or even misinterpreted.
True Accumulation/Distribution solves the problem by using True Range instead of only relying on current period's high and low.
Most of the time, True A/D reverts to producing the same values as the original A/D. The difference between True A/D and original A/D can be better seen when a gap has occurred, True A/D has handles it better than Accumulation/Distribution which a bearish close in period's range cause it to misinterpret the strong buy pressure as sell volume
The Moving Average Cloud is simply the filling between the moving average and the True A/D. This feature was inspired by D7R ACC/DIST closed-source indicator, kudos to D7R for making such neat visual indicators (but unfortunately all closed source!).
This indicator was made to extend the original work by adding MTF support and a moving average cloud and coloring.
If you like this indicator, please show the original author RezzaHmt some love:
Liquidations by volume (TG fork)Shows actual liquidations on a per-candle basis by using the difference in volume between spot and futures markets.
i.e. volume on a futures market will be much higher if there are many liquidations.
By default, green represents short liquidations (hence a bullish move, hence why it's green), whereas red is for long liquidations (bearish move). The colors can be changed in the settings if you prefer an inverted theme.
Long liquidation data should in theory be more accurate than short liquidation data due to the inability to short on a spot market.
This indicator should be able to help identify trends by determining liquidation points in the chart.
Extended by Tartigradia to automatically detect the symbol (only for crypto assets found on Binance with a USDTPERP pair, so it works for ETH, BNB, etc) and add multi-timeframe support (MTF).
If you like the indicator, please show the original author Thomas_Davison some love:
Screener _-_ FVVO by SavosRUIt is my first attempt to make SCREENER
Screener by 20 coins to detect Filter of Volatility Oscilator & Volume Threshold
Now - without ALERTS!
But it will be added ASAP...
Это первая моя попытка сделать СКРИНЕР.
Проверяет наличие сигнала всплеска волатильности и объема на 20 монетах.
Монеты - настраиваются.
Алерты - пока отсутствуют, но планируются в будущем.
Volume FlagThis indicator shows the increased volume compared to the previous volume.
A flag is displayed when the trading volume increased by *n of the previous candle.
Receive a signal as an alert.
Thank you.
(Please comment and click on the rocket.)
이 지표는 이전 캔들의 거래량 대비 증가된 거래량을 확인할 수 있습니다.
깃발을 사용하여 증가 감소를 확인할 수 있으며 n배 만큼의 증가 되었을때 표시됩니다.
그리고 깃발이 표시될 경우 알람을 받으실 수 있습니다.
댓글과 로케트 클릭 부탁드립니다.
REVE MarkersREVE stands for ‘Range Extensions Volume Expansions’. It seeks to report the same as the REVE which I published before. However the code uses a different algorithm to find the ‘usual range’ or ‘usual volume’ to which the current range and volume is compared. In the old REVE a function is coded which mimics a median() function..
In this code the median() function provided in pinescript is used, which makes the code of the actual algorithm nice and short in lines 21 through 27
For example line 23: “morevol=ta.median(curvol , usual)*eventnorm” in which
‘morevol ‘ is the calculated level above which the volume is deemed considerable,
‘curvol’ is the current volume (see line 21); curvol the volume of the previous period.
‘usual’ is the lookback period (see line 8)
‘ta.median(curvol , usual)’ is therfore the median volume in the lookback period
‘eventnorm’ is the percent which sets when “normal” becomes “considerable” (see line 6)
In line 26 the same is done for range.
The code in lines 30 to 92, concern logic manipulations to arrive at choosing the appropriate marker, which are plotted in lines 95 through 136.
Using the shapes as provided by Pinescript offers the possibility to give a much better and more meaningful visualization of volume and range events than different colored columns and histograms in the ‘old’ REVE in the below panel (see example chart).
Using the Pinescript function to find the median opens the possibility of letting the user play in the inputs with the lookback period and the norms for considerable and excessive to find a setting he or she likes most.
Using median in stead of average is necessary in volume and range analysis because these are so volatile. E.g. range or volume can be 10 times larger in the next period! If you have a few excessive volumes or ranges in the lookback period the ‘average volume or range’ is much higher than the ‘usual volume or range’ In statistics this is referred to as the outlier problem.
The markers are located on the bottom of the instrument pane. Those indicating volume events (with ‘event’ I mean a considerable or excessive expansion or extension) are colored triangles or squares, triangles indicate direction, squares that the price stays the same. those indicating range events with ‘normal’ volume are crosses, plus-cross means considerable range event and x-cross is excessive event.
The red, fuchsia and maroon triangles and squares indicate a combination of volume and range events. I call this ‘effective volume’ because more trade leads to shifting prices. The green and blue triangles and squares indicate a volume event with ‘normal’ ranges. I call this ‘ineffective volume’ because more volume does not lead to price shits. Effective volume can be attributed to occasional traders, because these do not care much for the price effect of their orders. The ineffective volume is attributable to institutional traders, because these go to great length to hide the size of their selling or buying objective by trading many small amounts in a day. Therefore one can theorize that ‘smart money’ is active when green and blue markers show up.
There is an option in the inputs to show markers around the candles (or bars). Those above indicate volume events, plus-cross for considerable and x-cross for excessive volume.
Those below the candles (or bars) indicate range events, triangles for direction or a plus-cross when the price stays the same. The small ones indicate considerable range events and the big ones excessive range events. This option can be used for better understanding of the colors of the bottom markers or to check which marker applies to which candle or bar.
If the instrument is without volume, the indicator will show only range markers.
Have fun and take care.
Traders Reality PVSRA Volume SuitePVSRA volume bars color coded to PVSRA vector candles and with override option and configurable moving average.
Indicator displays volume bars color coded to PVRSA price action and allows the user to override the chart symbol.
Developed for TradersReality by infernixx with library conversion by peshocore.
BetterVolumeAvgPinescript 5 version of buy/sell volume indicator with average. This script is original in that there are no versions of this study written in Pinescript 5 that I know of and while I've seen other buy/sell volume scripts this one includes a moving average.
VolATRThis is my VolATR indicator. It fires Buy and Sell signals based on Volume and the ATR. Its pretty good at catching reversals and I like to use it to scalp the SPY . It doesn't provide tons of signals but the signals that it does are usually pretty accurate.
Volume Density w/barcolorOpacity limit set to 70 min & barcolor overlay
The transparency of each candle is based on volume density.
Volume density is calculated as follows.
Volume density = Volume / Price range
Price range uses true range "max(high - low, abs(high - close), abs(low - close))".
Since volume density varies drastically by stock or time, the transparency is calculated based on the deviation rate from the average volume density.