Machine Learning: Lorentzian Classification█ OVERVIEW
A Lorentzian Distance Classifier (LDC) is a Machine Learning classification algorithm capable of categorizing historical data from a multi-dimensional feature space. This indicator demonstrates how Lorentzian Classification can also be used to predict the direction of future price movements when used as the distance metric for a novel implementation of an Approximate Nearest Neighbors (ANN) algorithm.
In physics, Lorentzian space is perhaps best known for its role in describing the curvature of space-time in Einstein's theory of General Relativity (2). Interestingly, however, this abstract concept from theoretical physics also has tangible real-world applications in trading.
Recently, it was hypothesized that Lorentzian space was also well-suited for analyzing time-series data (4), (5). This hypothesis has been supported by several empirical studies that demonstrate that Lorentzian distance is more robust to outliers and noise than the more commonly used Euclidean distance (1), (3), (6). Furthermore, Lorentzian distance was also shown to outperform dozens of other highly regarded distance metrics, including Manhattan distance, Bhattacharyya similarity, and Cosine similarity (1), (3). Outside of Dynamic Time Warping based approaches, which are unfortunately too computationally intensive for PineScript at this time, the Lorentzian Distance metric consistently scores the highest mean accuracy over a wide variety of time series data sets (1).
Euclidean distance is commonly used as the default distance metric for NN-based search algorithms, but it may not always be the best choice when dealing with financial market data. This is because financial market data can be significantly impacted by proximity to major world events such as FOMC Meetings and Black Swan events. This event-based distortion of market data can be framed as similar to the gravitational warping caused by a massive object on the space-time continuum. For financial markets, the analogous continuum that experiences warping can be referred to as "price-time".
Below is a side-by-side comparison of how neighborhoods of similar historical points appear in three-dimensional Euclidean Space and Lorentzian Space:
This figure demonstrates how Lorentzian space can better accommodate the warping of price-time since the Lorentzian distance function compresses the Euclidean neighborhood in such a way that the new neighborhood distribution in Lorentzian space tends to cluster around each of the major feature axes in addition to the origin itself. This means that, even though some nearest neighbors will be the same regardless of the distance metric used, Lorentzian space will also allow for the consideration of historical points that would otherwise never be considered with a Euclidean distance metric.
Intuitively, the advantage inherent in the Lorentzian distance metric makes sense. For example, it is logical that the price action that occurs in the hours after Chairman Powell finishes delivering a speech would resemble at least some of the previous times when he finished delivering a speech. This may be true regardless of other factors, such as whether or not the market was overbought or oversold at the time or if the macro conditions were more bullish or bearish overall. These historical reference points are extremely valuable for predictive models, yet the Euclidean distance metric would miss these neighbors entirely, often in favor of irrelevant data points from the day before the event. By using Lorentzian distance as a metric, the ML model is instead able to consider the warping of price-time caused by the event and, ultimately, transcend the temporal bias imposed on it by the time series.
For more information on the implementation details of the Approximate Nearest Neighbors (ANN) algorithm used in this indicator, please refer to the detailed comments in the source code.
Below is an explanatory breakdown of the different parts of this indicator as it appears in the interface:
Below is an explanation of the different settings for this indicator:
General Settings:
Source - This has a default value of "hlc3" and is used to control the input data source.
Neighbors Count - This has a default value of 8, a minimum value of 1, a maximum value of 100, and a step of 1. It is used to control the number of neighbors to consider.
Max Bars Back - This has a default value of 2000.
Feature Count - This has a default value of 5, a minimum value of 2, and a maximum value of 5. It controls the number of features to use for ML predictions.
Color Compression - This has a default value of 1, a minimum value of 1, and a maximum value of 10. It is used to control the compression factor for adjusting the intensity of the color scale.
Show Exits - This has a default value of false. It controls whether to show the exit threshold on the chart.
Use Dynamic Exits - This has a default value of false. It is used to control whether to attempt to let profits ride by dynamically adjusting the exit threshold based on kernel regression.
Feature Engineering Settings:
Note: The Feature Engineering section is for fine-tuning the features used for ML predictions. The default values are optimized for the 4H to 12H timeframes for most charts, but they should also work reasonably well for other timeframes. By default, the model can support features that accept two parameters (Parameter A and Parameter B, respectively). Even though there are only 4 features provided by default, the same feature with different settings counts as two separate features. If the feature only accepts one parameter, then the second parameter will default to EMA-based smoothing with a default value of 1. These features represent the most effective combination I have encountered in my testing, but additional features may be added as additional options in the future.
Feature 1 - This has a default value of "RSI" and options are: "RSI", "WT", "CCI", "ADX".
Feature 2 - This has a default value of "WT" and options are: "RSI", "WT", "CCI", "ADX".
Feature 3 - This has a default value of "CCI" and options are: "RSI", "WT", "CCI", "ADX".
Feature 4 - This has a default value of "ADX" and options are: "RSI", "WT", "CCI", "ADX".
Feature 5 - This has a default value of "RSI" and options are: "RSI", "WT", "CCI", "ADX".
Filters Settings:
Use Volatility Filter - This has a default value of true. It is used to control whether to use the volatility filter.
Use Regime Filter - This has a default value of true. It is used to control whether to use the trend detection filter.
Use ADX Filter - This has a default value of false. It is used to control whether to use the ADX filter.
Regime Threshold - This has a default value of -0.1, a minimum value of -10, a maximum value of 10, and a step of 0.1. It is used to control the Regime Detection filter for detecting Trending/Ranging markets.
ADX Threshold - This has a default value of 20, a minimum value of 0, a maximum value of 100, and a step of 1. It is used to control the threshold for detecting Trending/Ranging markets.
Kernel Regression Settings:
Trade with Kernel - This has a default value of true. It is used to control whether to trade with the kernel.
Show Kernel Estimate - This has a default value of true. It is used to control whether to show the kernel estimate.
Lookback Window - This has a default value of 8 and a minimum value of 3. It is used to control the number of bars used for the estimation. Recommended range: 3-50
Relative Weighting - This has a default value of 8 and a step size of 0.25. It is used to control the relative weighting of time frames. Recommended range: 0.25-25
Start Regression at Bar - This has a default value of 25. It is used to control the bar index on which to start regression. Recommended range: 0-25
Display Settings:
Show Bar Colors - This has a default value of true. It is used to control whether to show the bar colors.
Show Bar Prediction Values - This has a default value of true. It controls whether to show the ML model's evaluation of each bar as an integer.
Use ATR Offset - This has a default value of false. It controls whether to use the ATR offset instead of the bar prediction offset.
Bar Prediction Offset - This has a default value of 0 and a minimum value of 0. It is used to control the offset of the bar predictions as a percentage from the bar high or close.
Backtesting Settings:
Show Backtest Results - This has a default value of true. It is used to control whether to display the win rate of the given configuration.
(1) R. Giusti and G. E. A. P. A. Batista, "An Empirical Comparison of Dissimilarity Measures for Time Series Classification," 2013 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, Oct. 2013, DOI: 10.1109/bracis.2013.22.
(2) Y. Kerimbekov, H. Ş. Bilge, and H. H. Uğurlu, "The use of Lorentzian distance metric in classification problems," Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 84, 170–176, Dec. 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2016.09.006.
(3) A. Bagnall, A. Bostrom, J. Large, and J. Lines, "The Great Time Series Classification Bake Off: An Experimental Evaluation of Recently Proposed Algorithms." ResearchGate, Feb. 04, 2016.
(4) H. Ş. Bilge, Yerzhan Kerimbekov, and Hasan Hüseyin Uğurlu, "A new classification method by using Lorentzian distance metric," ResearchGate, Sep. 02, 2015.
(5) Y. Kerimbekov and H. Şakir Bilge, "Lorentzian Distance Classifier for Multiple Features," Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, 2017, DOI: 10.5220/0006197004930501.
(6) V. Surya Prasath et al., "Effects of Distance Measure Choice on KNN Classifier Performance - A Review." .
@veryfid - For many invaluable insights, discussions, and advice that helped to shape this project.
@capissimo - For open sourcing his interesting ideas regarding various KNN implementations in PineScript, several of which helped inspire my original undertaking of this project.
@RikkiTavi - For many invaluable physics-related conversations and for his helping me develop a mechanism for visualizing various distance algorithms in 3D using JavaScript
@jlaurel - For invaluable literature recommendations that helped me to understand the underlying subject matter of this project.
@annutara - For help in beta-testing this indicator and for sharing many helpful ideas and insights early on in its development.
@jasontaylor7 - For helping to beta-test this indicator and for many helpful conversations that helped to shape my backtesting workflow
@meddymarkusvanhala - For helping to beta-test this indicator
@dlbnext - For incredibly detailed backtesting testing of this indicator and for sharing numerous ideas on how the user experience could be improved.
MLExtensionsLibrary "MLExtensions"
normalizeDeriv(src, quadraticMeanLength)
Returns the smoothed hyperbolic tangent of the input series.
src : The input series (i.e., the first-order derivative for price).
quadraticMeanLength : The length of the quadratic mean (RMS).
Returns: nDeriv The normalized derivative of the input series.
normalize(src, min, max)
Rescales a source value with an unbounded range to a target range.
src : The input series
min : The minimum value of the unbounded range
max : The maximum value of the unbounded range
Returns: The normalized series
rescale(src, oldMin, oldMax, newMin, newMax)
Rescales a source value with a bounded range to anther bounded range
src : The input series
oldMin : The minimum value of the range to rescale from
oldMax : The maximum value of the range to rescale from
newMin : The minimum value of the range to rescale to
newMax : The maximum value of the range to rescale to
Returns: The rescaled series
Assigns varying shades of the color green based on the KNN classification
prediction : Value (int|float) of the prediction
Returns: color
Assigns varying shades of the color red based on the KNN classification
prediction : Value of the prediction
Returns: color
Returns the the hyperbolic tangent of the input series. The sigmoid-like hyperbolic tangent function is used to compress the input to a value between -1 and 1.
src : The input series (i.e., the normalized derivative).
Returns: tanh The hyperbolic tangent of the input series.
dualPoleFilter(src, lookback)
Returns the smoothed hyperbolic tangent of the input series.
src : The input series (i.e., the hyperbolic tangent).
lookback : The lookback window for the smoothing.
Returns: filter The smoothed hyperbolic tangent of the input series.
tanhTransform(src, smoothingFrequency, quadraticMeanLength)
Returns the tanh transform of the input series.
src : The input series (i.e., the result of the tanh calculation).
Returns: signal The smoothed hyperbolic tangent transform of the input series.
n_rsi(src, n1, n2)
Returns the normalized RSI ideal for use in ML algorithms.
src : The input series (i.e., the result of the RSI calculation).
n1 : The length of the RSI.
n2 : The smoothing length of the RSI.
Returns: signal The normalized RSI.
n_cci(src, n1, n2)
Returns the normalized CCI ideal for use in ML algorithms.
src : The input series (i.e., the result of the CCI calculation).
n1 : The length of the CCI.
n2 : The smoothing length of the CCI.
Returns: signal The normalized CCI.
n_wt(src, n1, n2)
Returns the normalized WaveTrend Classic series ideal for use in ML algorithms.
src : The input series (i.e., the result of the WaveTrend Classic calculation).
Returns: signal The normalized WaveTrend Classic series.
n_adx(highSrc, lowSrc, closeSrc, n1)
Returns the normalized ADX ideal for use in ML algorithms.
highSrc : The input series for the high price.
lowSrc : The input series for the low price.
closeSrc : The input series for the close price.
n1 : The length of the ADX.
regime_filter(src, threshold, useRegimeFilter)
filter_adx(src, length, adxThreshold, useAdxFilter)
src : The source series.
length : The length of the ADX.
adxThreshold : The ADX threshold.
useAdxFilter : Whether to use the ADX filter.
Returns: The ADX.
filter_volatility(minLength, maxLength, useVolatilityFilter)
minLength : The minimum length of the ATR.
maxLength : The maximum length of the ATR.
useVolatilityFilter : Whether to use the volatility filter.
Returns: Boolean indicating whether or not to let the signal pass through the filter.
backtest(high, low, open, startLongTrade, endLongTrade, startShortTrade, endShortTrade, isStopLossHit, maxBarsBackIndex, thisBarIndex)
Performs a basic backtest using the specified parameters and conditions.
high : The input series for the high price.
low : The input series for the low price.
open : The input series for the open price.
startLongTrade : The series of conditions that indicate the start of a long trade.`
endLongTrade : The series of conditions that indicate the end of a long trade.
startShortTrade : The series of conditions that indicate the start of a short trade.
endShortTrade : The series of conditions that indicate the end of a short trade.
isStopLossHit : The stop loss hit indicator.
maxBarsBackIndex : The maximum number of bars to go back in the backtest.
thisBarIndex : The current bar index.
Returns: A tuple containing backtest values
Returns: tbl The backtest results.
update_table(tbl, tradeStatsHeader, totalTrades, totalWins, totalLosses, winLossRatio, winrate, stopLosses)
update_table(tbl, tradeStats)
tbl : The backtest results table.
tradeStatsHeader : The trade stats header.
totalTrades : The total number of trades.
totalWins : The total number of wins.
totalLosses : The total number of losses.
winLossRatio : The win loss ratio.
winrate : The winrate.
stopLosses : The total number of stop losses.
Returns: Updated backtest results table.
USD Liquidity IndexThis USD Liquidity Index composed of 2 parts, total assets and major liabilities of the Federal Reserve .
There is a certain positive correlation between USD liquidity and risk asset price changes in history.
Suggested that USD Liquidity is mostly determined by the Federal Reserve balance (without leveraged), this index deducts three major liabilities from the total assets (in green color line) of the Federal Reserve . They are the currency in circulation (WCURCIR) in gold color, the Treasury General Account (WTREGEN) in blue color, the Reverse Repo (RRPONTSYD) in red color.
The grey line is the calculation result of the USD Liquidity Index. With it goes up, liquidity increases, vice versa.
GAVAD - Selling after a Strong MovimentThis strategy search for a moment whe the market make two candles are consistently strong, and open a Sell, searching the imediactly correction, on the new candle. It`s easy to see the bars on the histogram graph. Purple Bars represent the candle variation. when on candle cross ove the Signal line the graph plot an Yellow ci, if the second bar crossover the signal a green circle is ploted and the operation start on start of the next candle.
This strategy can be used in a lot of Stocks and other graphs. many times we need a small time of graph, maybe 1 or 5 minutes because the gain shoud be planned to a midle of the second candle. You need look the stocks you will use.
Stocks > 100 dolars isnt great, markets extremly volatly not too. but, Stocks that have a consistently development are very interisting. Look to markets searching maybe 0.5% or 1%.
For this moment, I make the development of a Brasilian Real x American Dollar. In 15 Minutes.
if you use in small timeframe the results can be better.
On this time we make more than 500 trades with a small lot of contracts, without a big percent profitable, but a small profit in each operation, maybe you search more than. To present a real trading system I insert a spreed to present a correct view of the results.
Each stock, Index, or crypto there is a specific configuration?
my suggestion for new stocks
You need choice a stock and using the setup search set over than 70% gain (percent profitable), using a 1% of gain and loss between 1-2%
as the exemple (WDO)
default I prepare a Brazilian Index
6-signal (6% is variation of a candle of the last candle)
10000- multiplicator (its important to configure diferences betwen a stock and an Indice)
gain 3 (this proportion will be set looking you target, how I say, 1% can be good)
loss 8 (this proportion will be set with you bankroll management, how I say, maybe 2%, you need evaluate)
for maximize operations I use in the 1 or 5 minute graph. Timeframes more large make slowlly results,
(but not unable that you use in a 1 hour or a 1 day.)
I make this script by zero. Maybe the code doesnt so organized, but is very easy to understand. If you have any doubts . leave a comment.
I hope help you.
occ3aka weighted fair price
The ultimate price source for all your stuff, unless you go completely nuts.
The ultimate way to build line charts & do pattern trading, unless you go completely nuts.
Why occ3?
You need a one-point estimate for every bar, a typical price of every bar aye? But then you see that every bar has a different distribution of prices. You can drop a stat test on every bar and pick median, mean, or whatever. But that's still prone to error (imagine borderline cases).
Instead, you can transform the task into a geometric one and say, "I wanna find the center of mass of all dem ticks within a particular interval (a day, a week, a century)". But lol ofc you won't do it, so lets's estimate it:
1) a straight line from Open to Close more/less estimates a regression line if you woulda dropped regression on all the ticks within a given interval;
2) centroid always lies on regression line, so it's always in between the endpoints of regression line. So that's why (open + close) /2;
3) Then, you remember that sequence matters, + generally the volume is higher near the close, so...;
4) Voila, (open + close + close) / 3
Why "fair" price?
Take a daily bar:
1) High & low were the best prices to sell & buy;
2) Opening & closing auctions had acceptable prices, in exchange for the the biggest potential to transact serious volume;
3) "Fair" price, logically, is somewhere in between the acceptable prices;
4) Market is fractal => the same principles propagate everywhere;
4) No, POCs and VPOCs don't make much sense as fair prices.
Nothing else to say, really advise to use it as a line chart if you trade price patterns.
Hulk Grid Algorithm - The Quant ScienceGrid-based intraday algorithm that works 50% in trend following and 50% in swing trading. Orders are executed on a grid of 10 levels. The grid levels are dynamic and calculated on the difference between the previous day's open and close. The algorithm makes only long trades based on the following logic:
1. The daily close of the previous day is analyzed, the first condition is met if the previous day was bullish, closing higher than the 'opening.
2. Must pass 'x' number of bars before placing market orders.
3. The range, as the difference between close and open of the previous day must be greater than 'x'.
If these three conditions are met then the algorithm will proceed to place long orders. On a total of 10 grid levels, up to five trades are executed per day.
If the current close is above level 1 of the grid (previous day's close) then trend following trading will take place, working on the upper 5 levels. In this case each order is placed starting at level 1 and closed at each level above.
If the current close is below level 1 of the grid (previous day's open) then swing trading will be carried out, working on the lower 5 levels. In this case each order is placed starting at level 2 and closed at the upper level.
If at the time of order execution the price is above or below the stop loss and take profit levels, the algorithm will cancel the orders and prevent trading.
All orders are closed exclusively for two reasons:
1. If the stop loss or take profit level is confirmed.
2. If the daily session is ended.
UI Interface
You can adjust:
1. Backtesting period
2. 'x' number of bars before placing orders at the market (remember to always add 2 to the number you enter in the user interface if you enter 2 then execution will occur at the market opening after the fourth bar).
3. Intercepted price range between close and open of the previous day, avoiding trading on days when the range is too low.
4. Stop loss, level calculated from the 'last lower grid, if the market breaks this level the grid is destroyed and closes all open positions.
5. Take profit, the level calculated from the last upper grid, if the market breaks this level the grid is destroyed and closes all open positions.
The backtesting you see in the example was generated on:
Timeframe 15 min
Stop loss 2%
Take profit 2%
Minimum bars 3
Size grid range 500
This algorithm can be used only on intraday timeframe.
Forex Strength IndicatorThis indicator will display the strength of 8 currencies, EUR, AUD, NZD, JPY, USD, GBP, CHF, and CAD. Each line will represent each currency. Alongside that, Fibonacci levels will be plotted based on a standard deviation from linear regression, with customizable lengths.
For more steady Fibonacci levels, use higher lengths for both Standard Deviations and Linear Regression. All currency lines come from moving averages with options like EMA, SMA, WMA, RMA, HMA, SWMA, and Linear Regression.
When lines of the active pair are far from each other, it means higher divergence in those currency strengths among the other pairs. The closer the lines are, the lower the divergence.
You can use the Fibonacci levels as points for the reversal or end of the current trend. When the lines cross can be used as a parameter for a more accurate signal of the next movement.
All 28 pairs are loaded from the same time frame and will use the same moving average for all of them
Alerts from the line crossing are available.
DataCorrelationLibrary "DataCorrelation"
Implementation of functions related to data correlation calculations. Formulas have been transformed in such a way that we avoid running loops and instead make use of time series to gradually build the data we need to perform calculation. This allows the calculations to run on unbound series, and/or higher number of samples
🎲 Simplifying Covariance
Original Formula
//For Sample
Covₓᵧ = ∑ ((xᵢ-x̄)(yᵢ-ȳ)) / (n-1)
//For Population
Covₓᵧ = ∑ ((xᵢ-x̄)(yᵢ-ȳ)) / n
Now, if we look at numerator, this can be simplified as follows
∑ ((xᵢ-x̄)(yᵢ-ȳ))
=> (x₁-x̄)(y₁-ȳ) + (x₂-x̄)(y₂-ȳ) + (x₃-x̄)(y₃-ȳ) ... + (xₙ-x̄)(yₙ-ȳ)
=> (x₁y₁ + x̄ȳ - x₁ȳ - y₁x̄) + (x₂y₂ + x̄ȳ - x₂ȳ - y₂x̄) + (x₃y₃ + x̄ȳ - x₃ȳ - y₃x̄) ... + (xₙyₙ + x̄ȳ - xₙȳ - yₙx̄)
=> (x₁y₁ + x₂y₂ + x₃y₃ ... + xₙyₙ) + (x̄ȳ + x̄ȳ + x̄ȳ ... + x̄ȳ) - (x₁ȳ + x₂ȳ + x₃ȳ ... xₙȳ) - (y₁x̄ + y₂x̄ + y₃x̄ + yₙx̄)
=> ∑xᵢyᵢ + n(x̄ȳ) - ȳ∑xᵢ - x̄∑yᵢ
So, overall formula can be simplified to be used in pine as
//For Sample
Covₓᵧ = (∑xᵢyᵢ + n(x̄ȳ) - ȳ∑xᵢ - x̄∑yᵢ) / (n-1)
//For Population
Covₓᵧ = (∑xᵢyᵢ + n(x̄ȳ) - ȳ∑xᵢ - x̄∑yᵢ) / n
🎲 Simplifying Standard Deviation
Original Formula
//For Sample
σ = √(∑(xᵢ-x̄)² / (n-1))
//For Population
σ = √(∑(xᵢ-x̄)² / n)
Now, if we look at numerator within square root
=> (x₁² + x̄² - 2x₁x̄) + (x₂² + x̄² - 2x₂x̄) + (x₃² + x̄² - 2x₃x̄) ... + (xₙ² + x̄² - 2xₙx̄)
=> (x₁² + x₂² + x₃² ... + xₙ²) + (x̄² + x̄² + x̄² ... + x̄²) - (2x₁x̄ + 2x₂x̄ + 2x₃x̄ ... + 2xₙx̄)
=> ∑xᵢ² + nx̄² - 2x̄∑xᵢ
=> ∑xᵢ² + x̄(nx̄ - 2∑xᵢ)
So, overall formula can be simplified to be used in pine as
//For Sample
σ = √(∑xᵢ² + x̄(nx̄ - 2∑xᵢ) / (n-1))
//For Population
σ = √(∑xᵢ² + x̄(nx̄ - 2∑xᵢ) / n)
🎲 Using BinaryInsertionSort library
Chatterjee Correlation and Spearman Correlation functions make use of BinaryInsertionSort library to speed up sorting. The library in turn implements mechanism to insert values into sorted order so that load on sorting is reduced by higher extent allowing the functions to work on higher sample size.
🎲 Function Documentation
chatterjeeCorrelation(x, y, sampleSize, plotSize)
Calculates chatterjee correlation between two series. Formula is - ξnₓᵧ = 1 - (3 * ∑ |rᵢ₊₁ - rᵢ|)/ (n²-1)
x : First series for which correlation need to be calculated
y : Second series for which correlation need to be calculated
sampleSize : number of samples to be considered for calculattion of correlation. Default is 20000
plotSize : How many historical values need to be plotted on chart.
Returns: float correlation - Chatterjee correlation value if falls within plotSize, else returns na
spearmanCorrelation(x, y, sampleSize, plotSize)
Calculates spearman correlation between two series. Formula is - ρ = 1 - (6∑dᵢ²/n(n²-1))
x : First series for which correlation need to be calculated
y : Second series for which correlation need to be calculated
sampleSize : number of samples to be considered for calculattion of correlation. Default is 20000
plotSize : How many historical values need to be plotted on chart.
Returns: float correlation - Spearman correlation value if falls within plotSize, else returns na
covariance(x, y, include, biased)
Calculates covariance between two series of unbound length. Formula is Covₓᵧ = ∑ ((xᵢ-x̄)(yᵢ-ȳ)) / (n-1) for sample and Covₓᵧ = ∑ ((xᵢ-x̄)(yᵢ-ȳ)) / n for population
x : First series for which covariance need to be calculated
y : Second series for which covariance need to be calculated
include : boolean flag used for selectively including sample
biased : boolean flag representing population covariance instead of sample covariance
Returns: float covariance - covariance of selective samples of two series x, y
stddev(x, include, biased)
Calculates Standard Deviation of a series. Formula is σ = √( ∑(xᵢ-x̄)² / n ) for sample and σ = √( ∑(xᵢ-x̄)² / (n-1) ) for population
x : Series for which Standard Deviation need to be calculated
include : boolean flag used for selectively including sample
biased : boolean flag representing population covariance instead of sample covariance
Returns: float stddev - standard deviation of selective samples of series x
correlation(x, y, include)
Calculates pearson correlation between two series of unbound length. Formula is r = Covₓᵧ / σₓσᵧ
x : First series for which correlation need to be calculated
y : Second series for which correlation need to be calculated
include : boolean flag used for selectively including sample
Returns: float correlation - correlation between selective samples of two series x, y
JeeSauceScriptsLibrary "JeeSauceScripts"
GetDelta(totalupvolume, totaldownvolume)
Getcvdhigh(cvd, maxvolumeup)
Getcvdlow(cvd, maxvolumedown)
Getcvdclose(cvd, delta)
CombineData(data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6)
FindData(data, find)
Chatterjee CorrelationThis is my first attempt on implementing a statistical method. This problem was given to me by @lejmer (who also helped me later on building more efficient code to achieve this) when we were debating on the need for higher resource allocation to run scripts so it can run longer and faster. The major problem faced by those who want to implement statistics based methods is that they run out of processing time or need to limit the data samples. My point was that such things need be implemented with an algorithm which suits pine instead of trying to port a python code directly. And yes, I am able to demonstrate that by using this implementation of Chatterjee Correlation.
🎲 What is Chatterjee Correlation?
The Chatterjee rank Correlation Coefficient (CCC) is a method developed by Sourav Chatterjee which can be used to study non linear correlation between two series.
Full documentation on the method can be found here:
In short, the formula which we are implementing here is:
Algorithm can be simplified as follows:
1. Get the ranks of X
2. Get the ranks of Y
3. Sort ranks of Y in the order of X (Lets call this SortedYIndices)
4. Calculate the sum of adjacent Y ranks in SortedYIndices (Lets call it as SumOfAdjacentSortedIndices)
5. And finally the correlation coefficient can be calculated by using simple formula
CCC = 1 - (3*SumOfAdjacentSortedIndices)/(n^2 - 1)
🎲 Looks simple? What is the catch?
Mistake many people do here is that they think in Python/Java/C etc while coding in Pine. This makes code less efficient if it involves arrays and loops. And the simple code may look something like this.
var xArray =
var yArray =
array.push(xArray, x)
array.push(yArray, y)
sortX = array.sort_indices(xArray)
sortY = array.sort_indices(yArray)
SumOfAdjacentSortedIndices = 0.0
index = array.get(xSortIndices, 0)
for i=1 to n > 1? n -1 : na
indexNext = array.get(sortX, i)
SumOfAdjacentSortedIndices += math.abs(array.get(sortY, indexNext)-array.get(sortY, index))
index := indexNext
correlation := 1 - 3*SumOfAdjacentSortedIndices/(math.pow(n,2)-1)
But, problem here is the number of loops run. Remember pine executes the code on every bar. There are loops run in array.sort_indices and another loop we are running to calculate SumOfAdjacentSortedIndices. Due to this, chances of program throwing runtime errors due to script running for too long are pretty high. This limits greatly the number of samples against which we can run the study. The options to overcome are
Limit the sample size and calculate only between certain bars - this is not ideal as smaller sets are more likely to yield false or inconsistent results.
Start thinking in pine instead of python and code in such a way that it is optimised for pine. - This is exactly what we have done in the published code.
🎲 How to think in Pine?
In order to think in pine, you should try to eliminate the loops as much as possible. Specially on the data which is continuously growing.
My first thought was that sorting takes lots of time and need to find a better way to sort series - specially when it is a growing data set. Hence, I came up with this library which implements Binary Insertion Sort.
Replacing array.sort_indices with binary insertion sort will greatly reduce the number of loops run on each bar. In binary insertion sort, the array will remain sorted and any item we add, it will keep adding it in the existing sort order so that there is no need to run separate sort. This allows us to work with bigger data sets and can utilise full 20,000 bars for calculation instead of few 100s.
However, last loop where we calculate SumOfAdjacentSortedIndices is not replaceable easily. Hence, we only limit these iterations to certain bars (Even though we use complete sample size). Plots are made for only those bars where the results need to be printed.
🎲 Implementation
Current implementation is limited to few combinations of x and fixed y. But, will be converting this into library soon - which means, programmers can plug any x and y and get the correlation.
Our X here can be
Average volume
And our Y is distance of price from moving average - which identifies trend.
Thus, the indicator here helps to understand the correlation coefficient between volume and trend OR volatility and trend for given ticker and timeframe. Value closer to 1 means highly correlated and value closer to 0 means least correlated. Please note that this method will not tell how these values are correlated. That is, we will not be able to know if higher volume leads to higher trend or lower trend. But, we can say whether volume impacts trend or not.
Please note that values can differ by great extent for different timeframes. For example, if you look at 1D timeframe, you may get higher value of correlation coefficient whereas lower value for 1m timeframe. This means, volume to trend correlation is higher in 1D timeframe and lower in lower timeframes.
Replica of TradingView's Backtesting Engine with ArraysHello everyone,
Here is a perfectly replicated TradingView backtesting engine condensed into a single library function calculated with arrays. It includes TradingView's calculations for Net profit, Total Trades, Percent of Trades Profitable, Profit Factor, Max Drawdown (absolute and percent), and Average Trade (absolute and percent). Here's how TradingView defines each aspect of its backtesting system:
Net Profit: The overall profit or loss achieved.
Total Trades: The total number of closed trades, winning and losing.
Percent Profitable: The percentage of winning trades, the number of winning trades divided by the total number of closed trades.
Profit Factor: The amount of money the strategy made for every unit of money it lost, gross profits divided by gross losses.
Max Drawdown: The greatest loss drawdown, i.e., the greatest possible loss the strategy had compared to its highest profits.
Average Trade: The sum of money gained or lost by the average trade, Net Profit divided by the overall number of closed trades.
Here's how each variable is defined in the library function:
_backtest(bool _enter, bool _exit, float _startQty, float _tradeQty)
bool _enter: When the strategy should enter a trade (entry condition)
bool _exit: When the strategy should exit a trade (exit condition)
float _startQty: The starting capital in the account (for BTCUSD, it is the amount of USD the account starts with)
float _tradeQty: The amount of capital traded (if set to 1000 on BTCUSD, it will trade 1000 USD on each trade)
Currently, this library only works with long strategies, and I've included a commented out section under DEMO STRATEGY where you can replicate my results with TradingView's backtesting engine. There's tons I could do with this beyond what is shown, but this was a project I worked on back in June of 2022 before getting burned out. Feel free to comment with any suggestions or bugs, and I'll try to add or fix them all soon. Here's my list of thing to add to the library currently (may not all be added):
Add commission calculations.
Add support for shorting
Add a graph that resembles TradingView's overview graph.
Clean and optimize code.
Clean up in a way that makes it easy to add other TradingView calculations (such as Sharpe and Sortino ratio).
Separate all variables, so they become accessible outside of calculations (such as gross profit, gross loss, number of winning trades, number of losing trades, etc.).
Thanks for reading,
Aggregated Volume Profile Spot & Futures ⚉ OVERVIEW ⚉
Aggregate Volume Profile - Shows the Volume Profile from 9 exchanges. Works on almost all CRYPTO Tickers!
You can enter your own desired exchanges, on/off any others, as well as select the sources of SPOT, FUTURES and others.
The script also includes several input parameters that allow the user to control which exchanges and currencies are included in the aggregated data.
The user can also choose how volume is displayed (in assets, U.S. dollars or euros) and how it is calculated (sum, average, median, or dispersion).
WARNING Indicator is for CRYPTO ONLY.
Data Type — Choose Single or Aggregated data.
• Single — Show only current Volume.
• Aggregated — Show Aggregated Volume.
Volume By — You can also select how the volume is displayed.
• COIN — Volume in Actives.
• USD — Volume in United Stated Dollar.
• EUR — Volume in European Union.
• RUB — Volume in Russian Ruble.
Calculate By — Choose how Aggregated Volume it is calculated.
• SUM — This displays the total volume from all sources.
• AVG — This displays the average price of the volume from all sources.
• MEDIAN — This displays the median volume from all sources.
• VARIANCE — This displays the variance of the volume from all sources.
• Delta Type — Select the Volume Profile type.
• Bullish — Shows the volume of buyers.
• Bearish — Shows the volume of sellers.
• Both — Shows the total volume of buyers and sellers.
Additional features
The remaining functions are responsible for the visual part of the Volume Profile and are intuitive and I recommend that you familiarize yourself with them simply by using them.
If you have any ideas what to add to my work to add more sources or make calculations cooler, suggest in DM .
Also I recommend exploring and trying out my similar work.
Expected Move Plotter IntradayHello everyone!
I am releasing my Intra-day expected move plotter indicator.
About the indicator:
This indicator looks at 3 differing time frames, the 15, 30 and 60 minute time frames.
It calculates the average move from high to low over the past 5 candle period and then plots out the expected move based on that average.
It also attempts to determine the sentiment. How it does this is by taking the average of the High, Low and Close of the previous 5 minute candle and comparing it in relation to the close of the current 5 minute candle. It essentially is the premise of pivot points.
Each time frame can be shut off or selected based on your preference, as well as the sentiment fills.
How to use:
Please play around with it and determine how you feel you could best use it, but I can share with you some tips that I have picked up from using this.
Wait for a clear rejection of respect of a level:
Once you have confirmed rejection or support, you can scalp to the next support level:
As well, you can switch between the 30 and 60 minute time frames as reference
30 Minute:
And that's it!
Its a very simplistic indicator, but it is quite helpful to help identify potential areas of reversal.
There really isn't much to it!
Also, it can be used on any stock!
As always, I have provided a quick tutorial video for your reference, linked below:
Let me know if you have any questions or recommendations for modification to make the indicator more useful and helpful.
Thanks so much for checking it out and trying it out everyone!
As always, safe trades and green days!
Probabilities Module - The Quant Science This module can be integrate in your code strategy or indicator and will help you to calculate the percentage probability on specific event inside your strategy. The main goal is improve and simplify the workflow if you are trying to build a quantitative strategy or indicator based on statistics or reinforcement model.
The script made a simulation inside your code based on a single event. For single event mean a trading logic composed by three different objects: entry, take profit, stop loss.
The script scrape in the past through a look back function and return the positive percentage probability about the positive event inside the data sample. In this way you are able to understand and calculate how many time (in percentage term) the conditions inside the single event are positive, helping to create your statistical edge.
You can adjust the look back period in you user interface.
How can set up the module for your use case
At the top of the script you can find:
1. entry_condition : replace the default condition with your specific entry condition.
2. TPcondition_exit : replace the default condition with your specific take profit condition.
3. SLcondition_exit : replace the default condition with your specific stop loss condition.
New Highs-New-Lows on US Stock Market - Main Chart Edition#### ENGLISH ####
This script visualizes divergences between the price and new highs and new lows in the US stock market. The indicator should be used exclusively on the US stock indices (timeframe >= D).
This is the indicator for the main chart. It should be used together with the subchart indicator of the same name. In order to get the same results between the main and subchart editions, the indicator settings must be manually adjusted equally in both charts.
The approach:
Let's take a bull market as an example. A bull market is characterized by rising highs and rising lows. We can therefore assume that with the rising prices, the number of stocks that form new highs also rises or at least remains constant. This confirms the upward trend and thus expresses that it is supported by the broad stock market. If the market forms new highs and the number of stocks forming new highs decreases at the same moment, these new index highs are no longer supported by the broad stock market but exclusively by a few highly capitalized stocks. This creates a bearish divergence between the index and the NHNL indicator. This means that the uptrend tends to be overheated and a correction becomes more likely. Stops should be drawn closer.
The approach applies conversely, of course, to downtrends as well.
The indicator itself:
The number of new highs and lows (NHNL) are determined using the data sources included in Tradingview, such as "INDEX:HIGN" for NYSE highs. This data is provided on a daily basis. For higher time units (week, month) the daily numbers are shown summed up and not only the Friday value like most other NHNL indicators.
The signal strength is determined on the basis of two factors. The stronger the signal, the clearer (less transparent) the line/arrow. The two factors are on the one hand the strength of the divergence in and of itself, and on the other hand the strength of the overriding trend. The trend strength is determined using a 50 EMA on the NHNL indicator.
To avoid displaying every small divergence and to reduce false signals, the threshold for the signal strength can be set in the indicator settings.
#### GERMAN #####
Dieses script visualisiert Divergenzen zwischen dem Preis und neuer Hochs sowie neuer Tiefs im US Aktienmarkt. Der Indikator sollte ausschließlich auf den US Aktienindizes verwendet werden (Timeframe >= D).
Dies ist der Indikator für den Hauptchart. Er sollte zusammen mit dem gleichnamigen Subchart Indikator verwendet werden. Um gleiche Ergebnisse zwischen Haupt- und Subchart Edition zu erhalten, müssen die Indikatoreistellung manuell in beiden Charts gleichermaßen eigestellt werden.
Der Ansatz:
Nehmen wir uns als Beispiel einen Bullenmarkt. Ein Bullenmarkt zeichnet sich durch steigende Hochs und steigende Tiefs aus. Man kann also annehmen, dass mit den steigenden Preisen auch die Anzahl der Aktien die neuen Hochs ausbilden steigt oder zumindest konstant bleibt. Dies bestätigt den Aufwärtstrend und drückt somit aus, dass dieser vom breiten Aktienmarkt mitgetragen wird. Wenn der Markt neue Hochs bildet und die Anzahl der Aktien, die neue Hochs bilden im selben Moment sinkt, so werden diese neuen Indexhochs vom breiten Aktienmarkt nicht mehr getragen sonder ausschließlich von wenigen hochkapitalisierten Aktien. Es entsteht eine bärische Divergenz zwischen Index und dem NHNL Indikator. Das bedeutet, dass der Aufwärtstrend tendenziell überhitzt ist und ein Korrektur wahrscheinlicher wird. Die Stops sollten näher herangezogen werden.
Der Ansatz gilt umgekehrt natürlich auch bei Abwärtstrends.
Der Indikator an sich:
Die Anzahl der neuen Hochs und Tiefs (NHNL) werden anhand der in Tradingview enthaltenen Datenquellen wie z.B. "INDEX:HIGN" für die NYSE Hochs ermittelt. Diese Daten werden auf Tagesbasis bereitgestellt. Für höher Zeiteinheiten (Woche, Monat) werden die Tageszahlen aufsummiert dargestellt und nicht wie bei den meisten anderen NHNL Indikatoren nur der Freitagswert.
Die Signalstärke wird Anhand zweier Faktoren ermittelt. Je stärker das Signal um so deutlicher (weniger transparent) die Linie/der Pfeil. Die zwei Faktoren sind zum einen die stärke der Divergenz an und für sich, sowie zum anderen die Stärke des übergeordneten Trends. Die Trendstärke wird anhand eines 50er-EMA auf den NHNL-Indikator ermittelt.
Um nicht jede kleine Divergenz anzuzeigen und um Fehlsignale zu reduzieren, kann die Schwelle für die Signalstärke in den Indikatoreinstellungen festgelegt werden.
New Highs-New-Lows on US Stock Market - Sub Chart Edition#### ENGLISH ####
This script visualizes divergences between the price and new highs and new lows in the US stock market. The indicator should be used exclusively on the US stock indices (timeframe >= D).
This is the indicator for the sub chart. It should be used together with the main chart indicator of the same name. In order to get the same results between the main and subchart editions, the indicator settings must be manually adjusted equally in both charts.
The approach:
Let's take a bull market as an example. A bull market is characterized by rising highs and rising lows. We can therefore assume that with the rising prices, the number of stocks that form new highs also rises or at least remains constant. This confirms the upward trend and thus expresses that it is supported by the broad stock market. If the market forms new highs and the number of stocks forming new highs decreases at the same moment, these new index highs are no longer supported by the broad stock market but exclusively by a few highly capitalized stocks. This creates a bearish divergence between the index and the NHNL indicator. This means that the uptrend tends to be overheated and a correction becomes more likely. Stops should be drawn closer.
The approach applies conversely, of course, to downtrends as well.
The indicator itself:
The number of new highs and lows (NHNL) are determined using the data sources included in Tradingview, such as "INDEX:HIGN" for NYSE highs. This data is provided on a daily basis. For higher time units (week, month) the daily numbers are shown summed up and not only the Friday value like most other NHNL indicators.
The signal strength is determined on the basis of two factors. The stronger the signal, the clearer (less transparent) the line/arrow. The two factors are on the one hand the strength of the divergence in and of itself, and on the other hand the strength of the overriding trend. The trend strength is determined using a 50 EMA on the NHNL indicator.
To avoid displaying every small divergence and to reduce false signals, the threshold for the signal strength can be set in the indicator settings.
#### GERMAN #####
Dieses script visualisiert Divergenzen zwischen dem Preis und neuer Hochs sowie neuer Tiefs im US Aktienmarkt. Der Indikator sollte ausschließlich auf den US Aktienindizes verwendet werden (Timeframe >= D).
Dies ist der Indikator für den Subchart. Er sollte zusammen mit dem gleichnamigen Hauptchart Indikator verwendet werden. Um gleiche Ergebnisse zwischen Haupt- und Subchart Edition zu erhalten, müssen die Indikatoreistellung manuell in beiden Charts gleichermaßen eigestellt werden.
Der Ansatz:
Nehmen wir uns als Beispiel einen Bullenmarkt. Ein Bullenmarkt zeichnet sich durch steigende Hochs und steigende Tiefs aus. Man kann also annehmen, dass mit den steigenden Preisen auch die Anzahl der Aktien die neuen Hochs ausbilden steigt oder zumindest konstant bleibt. Dies bestätigt den Aufwärtstrend und drückt somit aus, dass dieser vom breiten Aktienmarkt mitgetragen wird. Wenn der Markt neue Hochs bildet und die Anzahl der Aktien, die neue Hochs bilden im selben Moment sinkt, so werden diese neuen Indexhochs vom breiten Aktienmarkt nicht mehr getragen sonder ausschließlich von wenigen hochkapitalisierten Aktien. Es entsteht eine bärische Divergenz zwischen Index und dem NHNL Indikator. Das bedeutet, dass der Aufwärtstrend tendenziell überhitzt ist und ein Korrektur wahrscheinlicher wird. Die Stops sollten näher herangezogen werden.
Der Ansatz gilt umgekehrt natürlich auch bei Abwärtstrends.
Der Indikator an sich:
Die Anzahl der neuen Hochs und Tiefs (NHNL) werden anhand der in Tradingview enthaltenen Datenquellen wie z.B. "INDEX:HIGN" für die NYSE Hochs ermittelt. Diese Daten werden auf Tagesbasis bereitgestellt. Für höher Zeiteinheiten (Woche, Monat) werden die Tageszahlen aufsummiert dargestellt und nicht wie bei den meisten anderen NHNL Indikatoren nur der Freitagswert.
Die Signalstärke wird Anhand zweier Faktoren ermittelt. Je stärker das Signal um so deutlicher (weniger transparent) die Linie/der Pfeil. Die zwei Faktoren sind zum einen die stärke der Divergenz an und für sich, sowie zum anderen die Stärke des übergeordneten Trends. Die Trendstärke wird anhand eines 50er-EMA auf den NHNL-Indikator ermittelt.
Um nicht jede kleine Divergenz anzuzeigen und um Fehlsignale zu reduzieren, kann die Schwelle für die Signalstärke in den Indikatoreinstellungen festgelegt werden.
Average Range @coldbrewroshTaking the average daily range from low to high or high to low isn't the "best" way to get an idea of how much to set targets. So, I made this indicator to make the system better.
This indicator calculates the daily range from Open to High on Bullish Days & Open to Low on Bearish Days .
Nobody can catch the absolute low of the day on bullish days and get out at the high but one can enter at a reasonable price around the open ( 17:00 EST ) .
To complement the Average Range, another table shows the movement in the opposite direction.
For Instance: On Bullish Days how much it moved from Open to Low so that we have an idea of where to put the stop loss and vice versa. The time ranges calculated are the last 5 days, last 1 month, last 3 months & last 1 year.
Note #1: Even though the date range is predefined, it has a different meaning. For Instance: date range of last 5 days means "calculation of the range of last 5 bullish daily candles & not last 5 days" .
Note #2: Exclusive to Forex at the time of posting this.
Fiat Currency and Gold Indices (FGXY) CandlesA modification of my previous indicator "Crypto Index (DXY) Candles". The idea was to create a similar currency basket to the standard DXY, but from the perspective of other currencies. Still using the standard DXY weights, this indicator allows you to create a tailored index for other currencies, provided that a currency pair exists for each of the 6 components. This means that even currencies that aren't included should work in theory; just find the 3 character currency prefix used by tradingview and give it a shot! This indicator is useful for gauging how well countries/currencies are holding up and when paired with the standard DXY may help see potential inflection points. For use on longer time frames (~1h-~3d) as some of the data being pulled seems to have issues on lower timeframes.
SAFE MARGINE_OSHi dear Investors!
Here I present you my last prepared indicator that works with searching on the most visited prices in a period. It also take an average of them which is described here as balance line.
+BACKWARD: range of your search area on history from current moment.
+MEMORY: number of memory stacks that would be used to save previous calculated values for taking an average.
+REFRESH: this parameter is in mili-seconds and describe saving data in memory stacks.
++OC-BASED: OPEN/CLOSE would be used for calculations
++HL-BASED: HIGH/LOW would be used for calculations
++MID-BASED: HL2/OHLC4 would be used for calculations
Please do not forget to 'BOOST' the script if you use it!
Happy trading!
Financial Data Spreadsheet [By MUQWISHI]The Financial Data Spreadsheet indicator displays tables in the form of a spreadsheet containing a set of selected financial performances of a company within the most recent reported period. Analyzing Financial data is one of the classic methods to evaluate whether the company’s stock price is overvalued or undervalued based on its income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. This indicator might be practical to investors to collect needed data of a company to analyze and compare it with other companies on a TradingView chart or print it in spreadsheet form.
Due to strict limitations on calling function, I tried to develop the table with the best ways to be more dynamic to move and the ability to join multiple tables into a spreadsheet. Users can add up to 20 instruments and 2 financial metrics per table. However, it’s possible to add many tables with other financial metrics, then connect them to the main table.
Credits: The idea of joining multiple tables inspired by @QuantNomad Screener for 40+ instruments
1- Moving Table toward right-left up-down from its origin.
2- Hiding Column Title checkmark. Useful for adding a joined table underneath with additional instruments.
3- Hiding Instruments Title checkmark. Useful for adding a joined table on the right with other financial metrics.
4- Shade Alternate Rows checkmark. I believe it’ll make the table easier to read.
5- Selecting Financial Period. (Year, Quarter).
6- Entering a currency.
7- Choosing a financial ID for each column. There’re over 200 financial IDs. Source: What financial data is available in Pine? — TradingView
8- Optional to highlight values in between.
9- Entering the ticker’s symbol with the ability to activate/deactivate.
For best technical performance, use the indicator in a 1D timeframe.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Open Interest Denominated in QuoteOpen Interest indicator in TradingView doesn't have option to denominate in quote, so I made one.