PSE, Practical Strategy EnginePSE, Practical Strategy Engine
A ready-to-use engine that is simple to connect your indicator to, simple to use, and effective at generating alerts for order-filled events during the real-time candle.
Great for
• Evaluating indicators on important metrics without the need to write a strategy script for backtesting.
• Using indicators with built-in risk management.
About The PSE
This engine accepts entry and exit signals from your indicator to provide trade signals for both long and short positions. The PSE was written for trading Funds (e.g. ETF’s), Stocks, Forex, Futures, and Cryptocurrencies. The trades on the chart indicate market, limit, and stop orders. The PSE allows for backtesting of trades along with metrics of performance based on trade-groups with many great features.
Note: A link to a video of how to connect your indicator(s) to the PSE is provided below.
Key Features
A Trade-Grp makes up one or more trade positions from the first position entering to the last position exiting. Using Trade-Grp’s instead of positions should help you better assess if the metric results fit your trading style.
Below are two (2) examples of a Trade-Grp with three (3) positions.
A table of metrics is available if the “Show Metrics Table” checkbox is enabled on the Inputs tab, but metrics always show in the Data Window.
Examples of the Metrics Table are shown below.
• ROI (Return on Investment) and CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) are based on the Avg Invest/Trade-Grp and are adjusted for dividends if the “Include Dividends in Profit” checkbox is enabled.
• Profit/Risked is based on Trade-Grp’s. Also known as reward/risk, as well as expectancy per amount risked. It determines the effectiveness of your strategy and provides a measure of comparison between your strategies. This is adjusted for dividends if the “Include Dividends in Profit” checkbox is enabled. In the Data Window the color is green when above the breakeven point of making a profit and red when below the breakeven point. In the Table the color is red if below the breakeven point, otherwise it is the default color. For example, using the 3 metrics tables above:
For every USD risked the profit is 1.709 USD.
For every BTC risked the profit is 0.832 BTC.
For every JPY risked the profit is 0.261 JPY.
• Winning % is based on Trade-Grp’s. In the Data Window the color is green when above the breakeven point of making a profit and red when below the breakeven point. In the Table the color is red if below the breakeven point, otherwise it is the default color.
The breakeven point is a relationship between the Profit/Risked and Winning % to indicate system profitability potential. Another way to assess trading system performance. For example, for a low Winning % a high Profit/Risked is needed for the system to be potentially profitable.
• Profit Factor (PF) is based on Trade-Grp’s. The dividend payment, if any, is not considered in the calculation of a win or loss. The “Include Dividends in Profit Factor” checkbox allows you the option to either include or not include dividends in the calculation of Profit Factor. The default is enabled.
Must enable the “Include Dividends in Profit” checkbox to include dividends in PF.
Including dividends in PF evaluates the trading strategy with a more overall profitability performance view.
Enable/Disable “Include Dividends in Profit Factor” checkbox also affects the Avg Trade-Grp Loss, and thus Equity Loss from ECL and % Equity Loss from ECL.
• Max Consecutive Losses are based on Trade-Grp’s.
• Nbr of Trade-Grp’s and Nbr of Positions.
These help you to determine if enough trades have occurred to validate your strategy. The Nbr of Positions is the count of positions on the chart. The TV list of trades in the Strategy Tester may indicate more than what is actually shown on the chart. The Data Window includes 'Nbr Strat Tester Trades', which equals the TV listing trades, to help you locate specific trades on the chart.
• Time in Market (%) is based on Trade-Grp’s and date range selected.
• Avg Invest/Trade-Grp will indicate the average amount of money invested in a Trade-Grp. This is adjusted for dividends if the “Include Dividends in Profit” checkbox is enabled.
• Equivalent Consecutive Losses, labeled as Equiv. Cons. Losses (ECL).
This value is determined by the Winning % and Nbr of Trade-Grp’s. This simulates the more likely case of a series of losses, then a small win, then another series of losses to form an equivalent consecutive losing streak. To lower the value, increase the Winning %.
• Equity Loss from ECL is the equity loss from the equivalent consecutive losses.
• % Equity Loss from ECL is the percent of equity loss from the equivalent consecutive losses.
Risk Management
• Pyramid rules enforce and maintain position sizing designated by you on the Inputs tab (% Equity to Risk, Up/Dwn Gap) & Properties tab (number of pyramids, slippage, and commission).
A pyramid position will not occur unless both its stop covers the last entry price with gap/slippage and commission cost of previous trade is covered. If take profit is enabled, a pyramid position will not occur unless commission cost of the trade is covered when take profit target is reached.
• Position sizing, stop-loss (SL), trailing stop-loss (TSL), and take profit (TP) are used.
• Wash sale prevention for applicable assets is enforced. Wash sale assets include stock and fund (e.g. ETF’s).
• No more than one entry position per candle is enforced .
Other Great Features
• Losing Trade-Grp’s indicated at the exit with label text in the color blue. Used to easily find consecutive losses affecting your strategy’s performance. The dividend payment, if any, is not considered in the calculation of a win or loss.
• Position values can be displayed on the chart. The number format is based on the min tick value, but is limited to 8 decimal places only for display purposes.
• Dividends per share and the amount can be displayed on the chart.
• Hold Days . This is the number of days to hold before allowing the next Trade-Grp. Can be a decimal number. This feature may help those trading on a cash account to avoid any settlement violations when trading the same asset.
• Date Filter. Partition the time when trading is allowed to see if the strategy works well across the date range selected. The metrics should be acceptable across all four (4) time ranges: entire range, 1st half, IQR (inter-quartile range), and 2nd half.
• Price gap amount identification. Used in determining if a pyramid entry may be profitable, and may be used in determining slippage amount to use.
• When TP is enabled, the PSE will only allow a pyramid position if the potential is profitable based on commission and price gap selected.
• Trade-Grp’s shown in background color: green for long positions and red for short positions.
• The PSE will alert you to update your stop-loss as the market changes if your exchange/broker does not allow for trailing stop-loss orders. Enable this option on the Inputs tab with Alert Chg TSL.
• The PSE will alert you if your drawdown exceeds Max % Equity Drawdown set on the Inputs tab.
• The PSE will send an alert to warn you of an expiring GTC order.
Some brokers will indicate the order is GTC, Good 'Till Cancelled, but there really is a time limit on the order and is typically 60-120 days. Therefore, the PSE will alert you if you've been in position for close to 60 days so you can refresh your order. The alert is typically a few days before the 60-day time period.
• For order fill alerts just use a {{placeholder}} in the Message of the alert. Details on how to enter placeholders is explained below.
• Identify same bar enter/exit for first entries and pyramids. This is shown in the Data Window as well. This can help you determine what stop-loss % works best for your trading style.
• Leverage trading information is displayed in the Data Window and applies to Trade-Grps.
Failed PosSize or Margin (%): Shows a zero if the failed-to-trade position size was less than 1 or shows the margin % which failed to meet the margin requirement set in the Properties tab. A flag will show on the bar where a failed-to-trade occurred. This is only applicable to the first position of a Trade-Grp. Position the cursor over the flag for the value to show in the Data Window.
Notional Value: total Trade-Grp position size x latest entry price x point value. The equity must be > notional value x margin requirement for a trade to occur.
Current Margin (%): must be greater than margin requirement set on the Properties tab in order for a trade to occur.
Margin Call Price: when enabled on the Style tab is displayed on both the chart and the Data Window as shown below.
PSE Settings
• Pyramiding requires the Stop Method to be set to either TSL or Both (meaning SL & TSL).
• The maximum number of pyramids is determined by the value entered in the Properties tab.
• Pyramid orders require the enter price to be higher than the previous close for Longs and lower than the previous close for Shorts.
• Pyramids also require the stop with gap/slippage to be higher than the last entry price for Longs, and lower than the last entry price for Shorts. This covers all previous positions and maintains position sizing.
• When take profit, TP, is enabled, the pyramids also require that they will be profitable when opening a position assuming they will reach TP. This is automatically adjusted by you with the Dwn Gap/Up Gap, Slippage, and Commission settings.
Inputs Tab
General Settings
Color Traded Background
Enable to change background color where in a trade. Green for long positions and red for short positions.
Show Losing Trade-Grp
Enable to show if losing Trade-Grp and is indicated by text in blue color. The last position may be at a loss, but if there was profit for the Trade-Grp, then it will not be shown as a loss .
Show Position Values
Enable to show the currency value of each position in gold color.
Include Dividends in Profit
This feature is only applicable if the asset pays dividends and the time frame period of the chart is 1D or less, otherwise ignored. The PSE assumes dividends are taken as cash and not reinvested.
Enable to adjust ROI, CAGR, Profit/Risked, Avg Invest/Trade-Grp, and Equity to include dividend payments. This feature considers if you were in position at least one day prior to the ex-dividend date and had not exited until after the ex-dividend date.
When Show Dividends is enabled it will display the payout in currency/share, as well as the total amount based on the number of shares the position(s) of the Trade-Grp are currently holding.
Include Dividends in Profit Factor
This checkbox allows you the option to either include or not include dividends in the calculation of Profit Factor. Must enable the “Include Dividends in Profit” checkbox to include dividends in PF. The dividend payment, if any, is not considered in the calculation of a win or loss.
Show Metrics Table
Options are font size and table location.
Alert Failed to Trade
Enable for the strategy to alert you when a trade did not happen due to low equity or low order size. Applicable only for the first position of a Trade-Grp.
Trade Direction
Options are 'Longs Only', 'Both', 'Shorts Only'.
Hold Days
This is the number of days to hold before allowing the next Trade-Grp. Applies only to the first trade position of a Trade-Grp. Where a Trade-Grp consists of the first position plus any pyramid positions.
The value entered will be overwritten to >= 31 to prevent wash sale for applicable assets in the event the last Trade-Grp was a loss. Wash sale assets include stock and fund (i.e. ETF’s).
The minimum value is the equivalent of 1 candle and is automatically assigned by the PSE if the entered value is equivalent to less than one candle. To calculate Hold Days in # of candles on the Hour chart divide the chart period by 24 x #candles. On the Minute chart divide the chart period by 60 then by 24 x #candles.
Show Vertical Lines at From Date & To Date
Shows a vertical dotted line at the From Date and To Date for visual inspection of the setting.
Date Filter
When enabled, trades are allowed between the From Date and To Date, i.e., the date range.
When disabled, trades are allowed for all candles.
Partition the time when trading is allowed to see if your indicator settings work well across the date range. Click 1st Half, IQR (inter-quartile range), or 2nd Half buttons to trade a portion of the date range.
Select only one at-a-time to partition the time when trading is allowed.
When 1st Half is enabled only trades for the 1st half of the date range are allowed.
When IQR is enabled only trades for the inter-quartile date range are allowed.
When 2nd Half is enabled only trades for the 2nd half of the date range are allowed.
Position Sizing
The % of Equity to Risk has been separated into two (2) areas: for initial trades and for pyramid trades. This allows for greater ability to maximize profits within your acceptable drawdown. A variation of the Anti-Martingale method from the initial trade if you choose to use it in that manner.
% Equity to Risk for Initial Trades: enter the percent of equity you want to risk per position for the initial trades of each Trade-Grp. For example, for 1% enter 1.
% Equity to Risk for Pyramid Trades: enter the percent of equity you want to risk per position for the pyramid trades of each Trade-Grp. For example, for 2% enter 2.
% Equity for Max Position Size: the position size will not exceed this amount. For example, for 25% enter 25.
Max % Equity Drawdown Warning: an alert will be triggered if the maximum drawdown exceeds this v alue. For example, for 10% enter 10.
Stop Methods
NOTE: The Stop Method must be either Both or TSL in order for the pyramids to work. This feature enforces position sizing.
Stop-loss, SL, and trailing stop-loss, TSL, are other features that enforce risk management.
The trailing stop-loss, TSL, is activated immediately if Stop Method = TSL. If Stop Method = Both, then the TSL is activated when its value is above stop-loss, SL, for Longs and below the SL for Shorts.
The calculated TSL value (shown on the chart by + symbol) of the previous bar is used for the current bar and the plot value is off by default, but you can it turn on via the Style tab. This is available so you can better understand how the TSL value used was calculated from. It is beneficial to show when monitoring the real-time candle.
Alert Chg TSL
When enabled, this feature will alert you to update your stop price if it moves greater than the change amount in %. The amount is the absolute % so will work for both Longs and Shorts. For example, for 1% enter 1 . This is provided since some exchanges/brokers do not offer TSL orders and you must manually adjust as price action plays out.
The alert will also suggest a stop limit price based on the gap selected and explained below.
The alert will occur at the close of the candle at the calculated TSL value of the candle just prior to the real-time candle.
Dwn Gap/Up Gap Input Settings
A price gap is the difference between the closing price of the previous candle and the opening price of the current candle. Dwn Gap and Up Gap are illustrated here.
The values of the Dwn Gap and Up Gap can be seen in the Data Window and are based on the settings of the Date Filter.
The options are “zero gap”, "median gap", "avg gap", "80 pct gap", "90 pct gap". The X pct gap stands for X percentile rank. For example, "80 pct gap" means that 80% of the gaps are less than or equal to the value shown in the Data Window. Select “zero gap” to disable this feature.
If Show Stop Limit is enabled, it will show a dotted-line below or above the current stop price where a stop-limit order should be taken. It is shown based on the gap option selected. Again, the PSE trades market, limit, and stop orders, but a stop-limit may be shown if you wanted to see where one would be set using the Up/Dwn Gap.
Dwn Gap: Affects Short Take Profit, Long Pyramid Entries, and to show the Long Stop Limit.
Up Gap : Affects Long Take Profit, Short Pyramid Entries, and to show the Short Stop Limit.
Fixed Take Profit (TP)
When take profit (TP) is enabled, the PSE will determine if opening a pyramid position will be in profit assuming the TP will be hit while considering commission costs (on Properties tab).
The larger of Up Gap or Slippage value is used with Long positions regarding TP.
The larger of Dwn Gap or Slippage value is used with Short positions regarding TP.
Properties Tab
• Initial Capital: Set as desired.
• Base Currency: Leave as Default. The PSE is designed to use the instrument’s currency, therefore leave as Default.
• Order Size: Leave as default. This setting has been disabled and position sizing is handled on the Inputs tab and is based on % of equity.
• Pyramiding: Set as desired.
• Commission: Set as number %. The PSE is designed to only work with commission as a percent of the position value.
• Verify Price for Limit Orders: Set as desired.
Adjust Slippage on the Properties tab to account for a realistic bid-ask spread. You can use one of Dwn/Up Gap values or other guidelines. Again, the Dwn/Up Gap values are based on the Date Filter input settings.
Heed warnings from the TradingView Pine Script™ manual about values entered into the Slippage field.
The Slippage (ticks) have a noticeable influence on entry price and exit price especially at the beginning when the date range includes prices from $0.01 to $100,000.00 like that for BTC-USD INDEX. When this is the case, it is best to use different slippage values when partitioning time with the Date Filter.
To minimize the effects of slippage, yet account for it select ‘median gap’ on the Input Tab and use that value for slippage on the Properties tab.
The slippage value is included in the placeholder {{strategy.order.price}}.
Leverage Trading
The PSE is designed to be used both without leverage (the default) and with leverage.
These two settings apply to Trade-Grps. For example, for 5x leverage enter 20 (1/5x100=20).
Margin for Long Positions: Set as desired. The default is 100%.
Margin for Short Positions: Set as desired. The default is 100%.
This setting on the Inputs tab applies to each trade position within a Trade-Grp.
Max % Equity per Position: Set as desired. The default is 20% and intended for non-leverage trading. For leverage trading set as desired. For example, for 3x leverage enter 300 (3x100=300).
Recalculate After Order Is Filled
The PSE uses the strategy parameter calc_on_order_fills=true to allow for enter/exit on the same bar and generate alerts immediately after an order is filled. This parameter is on the Properties tab and is named ‘Recalculate After order is filled’ and is enabled by default.
Disabling this feature will cause the PSE to not work as intended.
You will see the following Caution! on the TV Strategy Tester
This occurs because the PSE has the strategy parameter calc_on_order_fills = true.
Again, the PSE will only work as intended if this parameter is enabled and set to true.
Therefore, you can close the caution sign and be confident of receiving realistic results.
Recalculate On every tick: Disable.
Fill Orders
• Using bar magnifier: Set as desired.
• On Bar Close: Disable. The PSE will not work as intended if this is enabled.
• Using Standard OHLC: Set as desired.
Using The Alert Message Box From TV Strategy Alert
Set alerts to gain access to all the alerts from PSE. This allows for both order filled alerts, as well as the alert function calls related to refresh GTC orders, drawdown exceeded, update stop-loss order, and Failed to Trade.
Example Message for Manual Trading Alerts
(This is just an example. Consult TV manual for possible placeholders to use.)
Alert for {{plot("position_for_alert")}} position. (long = 1; short = -1)
{{exchange}}:{{ticker}} on TF of {{interval}} at Broker Name
{{strategy.order.action}} Equity x Equity_Multiplier USD in shares at price = {{strategy.order.price}},
where Equity_Multiplier = {{strategy.order.contracts}} x {{strategy.order.price}} / {{plot("Equity")}}
or {{strategy.order.action}} {{strategy.order.contracts}} shares at price = {{strategy.order.price}}.
Note: Use the Equity x Equity_Multiplier method if you have several accounts with different initial capital.
Example Message for Bot Trading Alerts
(You must consult your specific bot for configuring the alert message. This is just an example.)
"action": "{{strategy.order.action}}",
“price”: {{strategy.order.price}}
"amount": {{strategy.order.contracts}},
"botId": "1234"
Connecting to the PSE
The diagram below illustrates how to connect indicators to the PSE.
The Aroon and MACD indicators are only used here as an example. Substitute your own indicators and add as many as you like.
Connection Indicator for the PSE
A video of how to connect your indicator(s) to the PSE is below.
The Connection Indicator for the PSE, also called here the connection-indicator.
Below is a description of how to connect your chosen indicators to the connection-indicator. Two (2) indicators were chosen for the example, but you may have one (1) or many indicators.
If you have source code access to your indicators you can paste the code directly into the connection-indicator to eliminate the need to have those indicators on the chart and the additional connection of them to the connection-indicator. Below will assume source code to the indicators are not available.
The MACD and Aroon Oscillator are from TV built standard indicators and are shown here just as an example for inputs (i.e. source) to the connection-indicator. They were configured as follows:
The source code for the connection-indicator is shown below. Substitute your own chosen indicators and add as many as you like to create your connection-indicator that feeds into the PSE. The MACD and Aroon Oscillator were simply chosen as an example. Configure your connection-indicator in the manner shown below.
// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// This is just an example Indicator to show how to interface with the PSE.
// The indicators used in the example are standard TV built indicators.
indicator(title="Connection Indicator for the PSE", overlay=false, max_lines_count=500, max_labels_count=500, max_boxes_count=500)
// Ind_1 INDICATOR ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// This is just and example and used MACD histogram as the source.
Filter_Ind_1 = input.bool(false, 'Ind_1', group='Ind_1 INDICATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~', tooltip='Click ON to enable the indicator')
input_Ind_1 = input.source(title = "input_Ind_1", defval = close, group='Ind_1 INDICATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')
Entry_Ind_1_Long = Filter_Ind_1 ? input_Ind_1 > 0 ? 1 : 0 : 0
Entry_Ind_1_Short = Filter_Ind_1 ? input_Ind_1 < 0 ? 1 : 0 : 0
Exit_Ind_1_Long = Entry_Ind_1_Short
Exit_Ind_1_Short = Entry_Ind_1_Long
// Ind_2 INDICATOR ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// This is just an example and used Aroon Oscillator as the source. Included limits to use with the oscillator to determine enter and exit.
Filter_Ind_2 = input.bool(false, "Ind_2", group='Ind_2 INDICATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~', tooltip='Click ON to enable the indicator')
Filter_Ind_2_Limit =, minval=0, step=5, group='Ind_2 INDICATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')
Filter_Ind_2_UL = Filter_Ind_2_Limit
Filter_Ind_2_LL = -Filter_Ind_2_Limit
up = input.source(title = "input_Ind_2A Up", defval = close, group='Ind_2 INDICATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')
down = input.source(title = "input_Ind_2B Down", defval = close, group='Ind_2 INDICATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')
oscillator = up - down
Entry_Ind_2_Long = Filter_Ind_2? oscillator > Filter_Ind_2_UL ? 1 : 0 : 0
Entry_Ind_2_Short = Filter_Ind_2? oscillator < Filter_Ind_2_LL ? 1 : 0 : 0
Exit_Ind_2_Long = Entry_Ind_2_Short
Exit_Ind_2_Short = Entry_Ind_2_Long
//#region ~~~~~~~ASSEMBLY OF FILTERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}
// You may have as many indicators as you like. Assemble them in similar fashion as below.
// ——————— Assembly of Entry Filters
Nbr_Entries =, minval=1, title='Min Nbr Entries', inline='nbr_in_out', group='Assembly of Indicators')
// Update the assembly based on the number of indicators connected.
EntryLongOK = Entry_Ind_1_Long + Entry_Ind_2_Long >= Nbr_Entries? true: false
EntryShortOK = Entry_Ind_1_Short + Entry_Ind_2_Short >= Nbr_Entries? true: false
entry_signal = EntryLongOK ? 1 : EntryShortOK ? -1 : 0
plot(entry_signal, title="Entry_Signal",, 0))
// ——————— Assembly of Exit Filters
Nbr_Exits =, minval=1, title='Min Nbr of Exits', inline='nbr_in_out', group='Assembly of Indicators', tooltip='Enter the minimum number of entries & exits
required for a signal.')
// Update the assembly based on the number of indicators connected.
ExitLongOK = Exit_Ind_1_Long + Exit_Ind_2_Long >= Nbr_Exits? true: false
ExitShortOK = Exit_Ind_1_Short + Exit_Ind_2_Short >= Nbr_Exits? true: false
exit_signal = ExitLongOK ? 1 : ExitShortOK ? -1 : 0
plot(exit_signal, title="Exit_Signal",, 0))
//#endregion ~~~~~~~END OF ASSEMBLY OF FILTERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}
The input box for the connection-indicator is shown below. The default for input source is “close”. For Input_Ind_1 click the dropdown and select the MACD Histogram. For Input_Ind_2 click the dropdown and select Aroon Up and Aroon Down as shown.
Signal Connection Section of PSE
Below is a description of how to connect your chosen indicators to the PSE from the connection-indicator.
At the PSE Input tab, the Signal Connection Section is where you select the source of the Entry and Exit Signal to the PSE. These are the outputs from connection-indicator.
The default source is “close”. Click the dropdown and select the entry and exit signal to establish a connection as shown below.
Pappabborgia Nasdaq RSI This script provides a custom Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator that plots both the RSI of the selected stock and the Nasdaq (IXIC) on the same chart.
It offers a clear, side-by-side view to help traders better understand the stock's momentum relative to the overall market.
Key Features:
RSI Calculation for the Stock:
The script calculates the RSI for the chosen stock, with a default period of 14, adjustable to fit different timeframes.
The stock’s RSI is displayed in green 🟢, providing a direct view of its strength and momentum 📈.
RSI of the Nasdaq:
The script fetches the Nasdaq’s closing prices and calculates its RSI, which is shown in red for clear comparison 🔴.
Legend for Clarity:
A simple legend in the top-right corner identifies the green line as the stock’s RSI and the red line as the Nasdaq’s RSI, making it easy to interpret 📊.
Why Comparing the Stock's RSI to the Nasdaq Matters:
Broader Market Context:
Viewing both RSIs on the same chart helps you see whether the stock is moving in sync with the broader market or behaving independently. This provides valuable context for decision-making 📉.
Relative Strength Insights:
Comparing the stock’s RSI to the Nasdaq’s RSI highlights whether the stock is outperforming or underperforming the overall market, helping identify potential opportunities or risks 🟢🔴.
Improved Risk Management:
Monitoring overbought or oversold conditions in both the stock and Nasdaq RSIs can signal broader market trends and help avoid risky trades ⚠️.
Overall Benefit:
By tracking the RSI of both the stock and the Nasdaq, this script offers a powerful tool for understanding a stock's relative strength, providing essential context for smarter trading decisions 🎯.
Wolf DCA CalculatorThe Wolf DCA Calculator is a powerful and flexible indicator tailored for traders employing the Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) strategy. This tool is invaluable for planning and visualizing multiple entry points for both long and short positions. It also provides a comprehensive analysis of potential profit and loss based on user-defined parameters, including leverage.
Entry Price: Define the initial entry price for your trade.
Total Lot Size: Specify the total number of lots you intend to trade.
Percentage Difference: Set the fixed percentage difference between each DCA point.
Long Position: Toggle to switch between long and short positions.
Stop Loss Price: Set the price level at which you plan to exit the trade to minimize losses.
Take Profit Price: Set the price level at which you plan to exit the trade to secure profits.
Leverage: Apply leverage to your trade, which multiplies the potential profit and loss.
Number of DCA Points: Specify the number of DCA points to strategically plan your entries.
How to Use
1. Add the Indicator to Your Chart:
Search for "Wolf DCA Calculator" in the TradingView public library and add it to your chart.
2. Configure Inputs:
Entry Price: Set your initial trade entry price.
Total Lot Size: Enter the total number of lots you plan to trade.
Percentage Difference: Adjust this to set the interval between each DCA point.
Long Position: Use this toggle to choose between a long or short position.
Stop Loss Price: Input the price level at which you plan to exit the trade to minimize losses.
Take Profit Price: Input the price level at which you plan to exit the trade to secure profits.
Leverage: Set the leverage you are using for the trade.
Number of DCA Points: Specify the number of DCA points to plan your entries.
3. Analyze the Chart:
The indicator plots the DCA points on the chart using a stepline style for clear visualization.
It calculates the average entry point and displays the potential profit and loss based on the specified leverage.
Labels are added for each DCA point, showing the entry price and the lots allocated.
Horizontal lines mark the Stop Loss and Take Profit levels, with corresponding labels showing potential loss and profit.
Visual Planning: Easily visualize multiple entry points and understand how they affect your average entry price.
Risk Management: Clearly see your Stop Loss and Take Profit levels and their impact on your trade.
Customizable: Adapt the indicator to your specific strategy with a wide range of customizable parameters.
Octopus Nest Strategy Hello Fellas,
Hereby, I come up with a popular strategy from YouTube called Octopus Nest Strategy. It is a no repaint, lower timeframe scalping strategy utilizing PSAR, EMA and TTM Squeeze.
The strategy considers these market factors:
PSAR -> Trend
EMA -> Trend
TTM Squeeze -> Momentum and Volatility by incorporating Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels
Note: As you can see there is a potential improvement by incorporating volume.
What's Different Compared To The Original Strategy?
I added an option which allows users to use the Adaptive PSAR of @loxx, which will hopefully improve results sometimes.
Enter Long -> source above EMA 100, source crosses above PSAR and TTM Squeeze crosses above 0
Enter Short -> source below EMA 100, source crosses below PSAR and TTM Squeeze crosses below 0
Exit Long and Exit Short are triggered from the risk management. Thus, it will just exit on SL or TP.
Risk Management
"High Low Stop Loss" and "Automatic High Low Take Profit" are used here.
High Low Stop Loss: Utilizes the last high for short and the last low for long to calculate the stop loss level. The last high or low gets multiplied by the user-defined multiplicator and if no recent high or low was found it uses the backup multiplier.
Automatic High Low Take Profit: Utilizes the current stop loss level of "High Low Stop Loss" and gets calculated by the user-defined risk ratio.
Now, follows the bunch of knowledge for the more inexperienced readers.
PSAR: Parabolic Stop And Reverse; Developed by J. Welles Wilders and a classic trend reversal indicator.
The indicator works most effectively in trending markets where large price moves allow traders to capture significant gains. When a security’s price is range-bound, the indicator will constantly be reversing, resulting in multiple low-profit or losing trades.
TTM Squeeze: TTM Squeeze is a volatility and momentum indicator introduced by John Carter of Trade the Markets (now Simpler Trading), which capitalizes on the tendency for price to break out strongly after consolidating in a tight trading range.
The volatility component of the TTM Squeeze indicator measures price compression using Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels. If the Bollinger Bands are completely enclosed within the Keltner Channels, that indicates a period of very low volatility. This state is known as the squeeze. When the Bollinger Bands expand and move back outside of the Keltner Channel, the squeeze is said to have “fired”: volatility increases and prices are likely to break out of that tight trading range in one direction or the other. The on/off state of the squeeze is shown with small dots on the zero line of the indicator: red dots indicate the squeeze is on, and green dots indicate the squeeze is off.
EMA: Exponential Moving Average; Like a simple moving average, but with exponential weighting of the input data.
Don't forget to check out the settings and keep it up.
Best regards,
Credits to:
Curved Management (Zeiierman)█ Overview
The Curved Management (Zeiierman) is a trade management indicator tailored for traders looking to visualize their entry, stop loss, and take profit levels. Unique in its design, this indicator doesn't just display lines; it offers rounded or curved visualizations, setting it apart from conventional tools.
█ How It Works
At its core, this indicator leverages the power of the Average True Range (ATR), a metric for volatility, to establish logical stop-loss levels based on recent price action. By incorporating the ATR, the tool dynamically adapts to the market's changing volatility. What sets it apart is the unique curved visualization. Instead of the usual straight lines representing entry/sl levels, users can choose between rounded and straight edges for their take profit and stop loss levels. This aesthetic tweak gives the chart a cleaner look and offers a more intuitive understanding of risk management.
█ How to Apply the Indicator
Upon initially loading the indicator, a label appears that reads, "Set the 'xy' time and price for 'Curved Management (Zeiierman).'" This prompts you to click on the chart at your entry point. After selecting your entry point on the chart, the indicator will load. Ensure you adjust the trend direction in the settings panel based on whether you took a long or short position.
█ How to Use
Use the tool to manage your active position.
Long Entry
Short Entry
█ Settings
The indicator comes packed with various settings allowing customization:
Trade Direction
Decide the direction of the trade (long/short).
Reward multiplier
Sets the ratio for take profit relative to stop loss. Increasing this value will set your take profit further from the entry, and decreasing it will bring it closer.
Risk multiplier
Multiplier for calculating stop loss based on the ATR value. Increasing this makes your stop loss further from the entry, while decreasing brings it closer.
█ Related Free Scripts
Trade & Risk Management Tool
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems are only for educational purposes!
(Simple) Lot Size CalculatorPip Calculator: A Guide for Traders
The Pip Calculator is a powerful tool designed to help traders calculate their lot size based on their account balance, risk percentage, and stop loss in pips. This guide will walk you through using the Pip Calculator script and explain its features.
Features of the Pip Calculator:
User-friendly UI : The Pip Calculator provides a simple and intuitive user interface, making it easy to input your account details and obtain the desired lot size.
Flexible Inputs : The Pip Calculator allows you to enter your account balance, risk percentage, and stop loss in pips. This flexibility enables you to customize the calculation according to your trading strategy.
Dynamic Currency Pair Support : The Pip Calculator supports various currency pairs and their respective pip values. The script automatically detects the currency pair of the chart you're viewing, ensuring accurate calculations.
Real-time Lot Size Display : The Pip Calculator instantly calculates and displays the lot size based on your inputs. The lot size is updated in real-time as you adjust your account balance, risk percentage, or stop loss.
Visual Representation : The Pip Calculator visually presents the calculated lot size on the chart, making it easy to understand and reference during your trading activities.
Using the Pip Calculator:
Install and Apply the Script : To use the Pip Calculator, install it as an extension on your preferred trading platform (such as TradingView). Apply the script to the chart of the desired currency pair.
Enter Account Details : In the script's user interface, enter your account balance, risk percentage, and stop loss in pips. These details are essential for accurate lot size calculation.
Review Currency Pair Support : The Pip Calculator automatically detects the currency pair of the chart. Ensure that the currency pair is supported by checking the "Currency pair not supported" message. Currently, GBPJPY is the supported pair.
Observe Real-time Lot Size : Once you've entered the required information, the script will calculate and display the lot size in real-time. The lot size is adjusted automatically as you modify your inputs.
Visualize the Lot Size : The calculated lot size is displayed on the chart as a label. You can easily view and reference the lot size while analyzing price movements.
Customize the UI : The Pip Calculator allows you to customize the appearance of the lot size label. You can adjust the text color, background color, and choose whether to show or hide the lot size label.
Note: The Pip Calculator script is intended as a tool to assist traders in determining an appropriate lot size based on their account balance, risk percentage, and stop loss. It should be used in conjunction with a comprehensive trading strategy and risk management principles.
Advantages of the Pip Calculator:
Accuracy: The Pip Calculator incorporates accurate pip values for supported currency pairs, ensuring precise lot size calculations.
Simplicity: The user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easy for traders to calculate their lot size without complex calculations or manual estimations.
Real-time Updates: The Pip Calculator provides instant lot size updates, allowing traders to adapt their position sizing based on changes in account balance, risk percentage, or stop loss.
Visibility: The visual representation of the lot size on the chart helps traders quickly identify their desired position size and monitor it during trading activities.
The Pip Calculator offers a convenient and efficient way to determine lot sizes based on your trading parameters. By using this tool, you can enhance your risk management practices, maintain consistency, and stay aligned with your trading plan.
Disclaimer: The Pip Calculator script is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. Trading in the financial markets carries inherent risks, and it is essential to perform your own analysis and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
Z Algo (Expo)█ Overview
Z Algo (Expo) is a sophisticated and user-friendly trading tool designed to meet the needs of both novice and seasoned traders. With its real-time signals, trend analysis, and risk management capabilities, this tool can be a valuable addition to any trader's toolkit.
█ Main Features & How to Use
Buy/Sell signals: Z Algo provides real-time buy and sell signals, which assist traders in identifying the most opportune moments to enter or exit a trade.
Strong Buy/Sell signals: In addition to regular buy and sell signals, the tool also offers strong buy and sell signals. These are generated when the market conditions align with a higher probability of a significant price movement.
Sniper Signals: This feature is specifically designed for contrarian traders who look to exploit temporary market inefficiencies or take advantage of price reversals. When enabled, Sniper Signals identify potential market turning points, offering traders the opportunity to profit from sharp price fluctuations.
Reversal Cloud: The Reversal Cloud is a unique visual representation of the market's potential trend reversals. It offers traders an easy-to-understand display of changing market dynamics, enabling them to quickly identify potential entry and exit points based on trend reversals.
Support and Resistance (S/R) Levels: Z Algo automatically calculates and displays support and resistance levels on the chart. These are crucial price points where buying or selling pressure may change, providing valuable insights for traders looking to enter or exit positions based on these levels.
Trend Tracker: This feature helps traders monitor and analyze the prevailing market trend. Trend Tracker identifies and highlights the direction of the trend, allowing traders to align their strategies accordingly and increase their chances of success.
Trend Background Color: To improve the user experience and simplify the interpretation of market data, Z Algo changes the chart's background color based on the identified trend direction. This visual cue makes it easier for traders to recognize bullish or bearish trends at a glance.
Bar Coloring: In addition to the trend background color, Z Algo also provides bar coloring for both contrarian and trend bars. This feature helps traders visualize price movements and trends more effectively, enabling them to identify potential opportunities for both trend-following and contrarian trading strategies.
Risk Management: The tool incorporates risk management features that help traders to protect their capital and maximize potential returns. Users can set stop-loss and take-profit levels, as well as customize their risk exposure according to their individual preferences and trading style.
█ Calculations
█ What are the Buy/Sell signals based on?
The Buy/Sell signals use volatility and price range with a weighting function that can help reduce lag and respond faster to recent price changes. The function gives more weight to the most recent volatility values and absolute price changes, making the algorithm more responsive to changes in volatility and price moves. Using a model that factors in both price changes and volatility gives a bias toward more recent data. This advanced approach to trading signal generation incorporates the concepts of trend following and mean reversion while accounting for changing market volatility.
Traditional systems often use fixed parameters, which may not adapt quickly to changes in market conditions. This can lead to late entries or exits, potentially reducing profitability or increasing risk. Our algorithm uses a weighting function to give more importance to recent volatility values, and absolute price changes can make these signals more responsive. This is especially useful in dynamic markets where price swings and volatility can change rapidly.
Adapting to Recent Price Changes: Markets can often exhibit trending behavior over certain periods. By weighing recent price changes more heavily, the model can quickly identify and react to the emergence of new trends. This can lead to earlier entries in a new trend, potentially increasing profitability.
Adapting to Recent Volatility Changes: Markets can shift from low to high volatility regimes (and vice versa) quite rapidly. A model that gives more weight to recent volatility can adapt its signals to these changing conditions. For example, in high volatility conditions, the model might generate fewer signals to reduce the risk of false breakouts. Conversely, in low volatility conditions, the model might generate more signals to capitalize on trending behavior.
Adaptive Trading: The approach inherently leads to an adaptive trading system. Rather than using fixed parameters, the system can adjust its behavior based on recent market activity. This can lead to a more robust system that performs well across different market conditions.
█ What are the Sniper signals (contrarian signals) based on?
Our contrarian signals are based on deviation from the expected value. The algorithm quantifies the amount of variation or dispersion in a set of values. Non-expected values are the fundamental core of the signal generation process.
█ Reversal Cloud Calculation
The cloud uses the information of how much the price fluctuates over a specific time period and updates its equilibrium value automatically at new price changes. The price changes are used to predict what will happen next, and the band adapts accordingly. The algorithm assumes that past price changes can predict future market behavior.
█ Support and Resistance (S/R) Levels Calculation
The support and resistance levels use historical overbought and oversold levels combined with a weighted atr function to predict future support and resistance areas. This calculation can potentially give traders a great heads-up on where the price may find support and resistance at.
█ Trend & Bar coloring Calculation
Trend calculations with dynamic events are key in ever-changing markets. The main idea of the calculation method is to find the mathematical function that best fits the data points, by minimizing the sum of the squares of the vertical distances of each data point from the equilibrium. The outcome is a function that finds the best mathematical description of that data. Hence the trend output may vary depending on the asset and timeframe. A unique approach where the same settings can give different results.
█ Risk Management Calculation
The risk management system is not unique in itself and contains everything that can help traders to manage their risk, such as different types of stop losses, Take Profits calculations.
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems are only for educational purposes!
The DCA Detective | v1.0 strategy revolutionizes the realm of DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) trading, integrating advanced trade initiation predicated on savvy Technical Analysis (TA) signals. This strategy's distinctive feature rests in its capacity to leverage TA signals or preset percentage levels to trigger safety orders, providing adaptability based on your preference. Bid farewell to rudimentary safety order placements.
The strategy incorporates a comprehensive array of parameters:
RSI Oversold Level - a predetermined level signaling a potential oversold condition where a price rebound may be imminent.
Divergence Lookback Period - this parameter specifies the duration over which the system scrutinizes for any disparity between price and RSI.
Minimum Bars Between Trades - this guarantees a specific interval between trades, thwarting excessive trading and promoting diversification over time.
Rate of Change (ROC) - a momentum-oriented technical indicator that gauges the percentage alteration in price between the current price and the price a certain number of periods back.
Stochastic Length and Oversold - parameters that delineate the Stochastic Oscillator, another momentum indicator that compares a particular closing price of a security to a spectrum of its prices over a specified period.
Higher Timeframe RSI Length and Oversold Level - for heightened precision, these parameters operate on lower timeframes, offering a wider outlook and aiding in the filtering of market noise.
The DCA Detective | v1.0 strategy deploys bullish divergence identified by the RSI and a crossover of the RSI over the oversold level as primary entry signals. Safety order conditions can be set to either Percentage or Smart, based on your preference. The "Smart" condition utilizes the same rules as the initial entry order to place safety orders.
The strategy also entails additional configuration settings such as the maximum safety orders, safety order price deviation, safety order volume scale, safety order step scale, and take profit percentage.
Main goal is to catch possible market bottom/dip.
In summary, the DCA Detective | v1.0 strategy proposes a sophisticated and nuanced approach to DCA trading. It taps into the potential of TA signals to initiate trades, while using safety orders as a risk management tool, with the intent to minimize possible losses and decrease overall time in trade. This strategy stands as a testament to refined trading tactics, crafted for those who endorse strategic investment and measured risk-taking.
Through webhook integration, the DCA Detective | v1.0 strategy can send signals to 3commas to initiate trades, adjust safety orders, and take profit at the designated percentages. This provides traders with a hands-off approach to trading, allowing them to focus on other areas of their portfolio or strategy while the DCA Detective | v1.0 strategy runs in the background.
So far, I haven't come across a good DCA strategy based on TA orders, so I created my own. I was troubled by my prolonged exposure to red bags, but with proper configuration, this strategy should get you out of the trade as soon as possible. I have managed to enter most of the good coins at an unbeatable average trade time and also eliminate the maximum trade time to less than 10 days !
Strategy Template + Performance & Returns table + ExtrasA script I've been working on since summer 2022. A template for any strategy so you just have to write or paste the code and go straight into risk management settings
>Signal only Longs/only Shorts/Both
>Leverage system
>Proper fees calculation (even with leverage on)
>Different Stop Loss systems: Simple percentage, 4 different "move to Break Even" systems and Scaling SL after each TP order (read the disclaimer at the bottom regarding this and the TV % profitable metric)
>2 Take Profit systems: Simple percentages, or Risk/reward ratios based on SL level
>Additional option on TP so last one "rides free" until closure of position or Stoploss is hit (for more than 1 orders)
>Up to 5 TP orders
>Show or hide SL/TP levels on demand
>2 date filters. Manual filter is nothing new, enter two dates/hours and filter will turn on. BUT automatic filter is another thing (thanks to user @bfr_ for his help in codingthis feature)
>AUTOMATIC DATE FILTER. Allows you to split all historical data on the chart in X periods, then choose the range of periods used. Up to 10 but that can be changed, instructions included. Useful for WalkForward simulations, haven't seen a script in TradingView that allows you to do this and test your strategy on "unseen data" automatically
Besides, some additions I like to add to my codes:
>Returns table for monthly and weekly performance. Requires recalculation on every tick. This is a modified version of @QuantNomad's work. May add lower TF options later on
>Volume Based S/R system. Original work from @shtcoinr
>One feature that was made by me, the "portfolio table". Yields info and metrics of your strategy, current position and balance. You're able to turn it off and change its size
Should anyone find an error, or have any idea on how to improve this code, please contact me. Future updates could come, stay tuned
In order to have accurate StopLoss hit, I had to change the previous system, which was a "close position on candle close" instead at actual stoploss level. It was fixed, but resulted on inflation of the number of trading orders, thus reducing the percent profitable and making it strongly biased and unreal. Keep that in mind, that "real" profitability could be 2x or 3x the metric TradingView says. If your strategy has a really high trading frequency, resulting in 3000+ orders, might be a problem. Try to make use of the automatic/manual date filter as workaround, I have no means of changing this, seems it is not a bug but an intended design of the PineScript Code
PSAR BBPT ZLSMA BTC 1minLong entry:
PSAR gives buy signal
BBPT prints green histogram
ZLSMA is below the price
ZLSMA has uptrend
SL is smaller than the max SL
Optional Sessions and EMA filters
Short entry
PSAR gives sell signal
BBPT prints red histogram
ZLSMA is above the price
ZLSMA has downtrend
SL is smaller than the max SL
Optional Sessions and EMA filters
Placed below ZLSMA + offset on long
Placed above ZLSMA + offset on short
1x the SL by default
Takes no profit by default, 50% is also a good setting
2x the SL by default
Take out all remaining position size.
If price reaches TP1, the SL is set to the entry price.
Turtle Money ManagementThe Turtle Trading approach* is a trend following system that uses volatility for position size. *(Richard Dennis & William Eckhardt )
Turtle traders use the N unit system for risk management, which has its own advantages. This indicator offers beginners a simple interface that uses the same logic. Using ATR (Average True Range) to measure volatility.
The indicator shows the suggested position size and stop-loss price. You need to activate position line to see how it behaved in the past. Information about the Turtle system shows that it works in a daily candle. Intraday candles can be misleading (for ATR) because of this indicator use daily ATR by default. I leave the choice to you.
Limits recommended by Turtle Traders
Single Trade % 2 Maximum risk
Single Market % 4 Maximum risk
Closely Correlated Markets % 6 Maximum risk
Loosely Correlated Markets % 10 Maximum risk
Single Direction – Long or Short % 12 Maximum risk
[fpemehd] Strategy TemplateHello Guys! Nice to meet you all!
This is my fourth script!
This is the Strategy Template for traders who wants to make their own strategy.
I made this based on the open source strategies by jason5480, kevinmck100, myncrypto. Thank you All!
### StopLoss
1. Can Choose Stop Loss Type: Percent, ATR, Previous Low / High.
2. Can Chosse inputs of each Stop Loss Type.
### Take Profit
1. Can set Risk Reward Ratio for Take Profit.
- To simplify backtest, I erased all other options except RR Ratio.
- You can add Take Profit Logic by adding options in the code.
2. Can set Take Profit Quantity.
### Risk Manangement
1. Can choose whether to use Risk Manangement Logic.
- This controls the Quantity of the Entry.
- e.g. If you want to take 3% risk per trade and stop loss price is 6% below the long entry price,
then 50% of your equity will be used for trade.
2. Can choose How much risk you would take per trade.
### Plot
1. Added Labels to check the data of entry / exit positions.
2. Changed and Added color different from the original one. (green: #02732A, red: #D92332, yellow: #F2E313)
Risk Management Strategy TemplateThis strategy is intended to be used as a base template for building new strategies.
It incorporates the following features:
Risk management:
Configurable X% loss per stop loss
Configurable R:R ratio
Trade entry:
Calculated position size based on risk tolerance
Trade exit:
Stop Loss currently configurable ATR multiplier but can be replaced based on strategy
Take Profit calculated from Stop Loss using R:R ratio
Configurable backtesting range by date
Trade drawings:
TP/SL boxes drawn for all trades. Can be turned on and off
Trade exit information labels. Can be turned on and off
NOTE: Trade drawings will only be applicable when using overlay strategies
Includes section with useful debugging techniques
Strategy conditions
Trade entry:
C1: Price is above EMA line
C2: RSI is crossing out of oversold area
C1: Price is below EMA line
C2: RSI is crossing out of overbought area
Trade exit:
Stop Loss: Stop Loss ATR multiplier is hit
Take Profit: R:R multiplier * Stop Loss is hit
The idea is to use RSI to catch pullbacks within the main trend.
Note that this strategy is intended to be a simple base strategy for building upon. It was not designed to be traded in its current form.
RealTime Max LeverageEver wanted a script that could tell you what is the maximum reasonably safe leverage if you were to open a trade and hold it for a given number of candles? This is it!
Using rate of change based volatility and the maximum expected number of candles/periods you will hold your trade for, based on your risk profile this indicator will tell you what is the maximum reasonable leverage.
Stop losses / take profits or some other prudent exit strategy should not be avoided. The idea is effectively to prevent yourself from using leverage that is too risky for the current market conditions on whatever timeframe you are entering your trade based on.
If you have any suggestions on how to improve the indicator, please leave a comment below!
[Fedra Algotrading Strategy 2tp+L&S] Futures Long or ShortStrategy for crypto market, designed for automatic algorithmic trading with bots.
Can place long and short orders
Calculates your entries based on the breakout of the simple deviation of the linear regression of the last X periods.
Configures TP (green line) and SL (red line) percentages, the TP is a trailing TP.
Optionally, you can set a first TP (white line) that sells half of the position.
Advanced trend filter to not open trades against the market. SMA (yellow line), WMA (blue line) and secret sauce
Includes an advanced system to control the backtest period (choose how many days to backtest).
Risk management by volume of capital or amount of losing trades (kill switches that will exit the trade and stop the script)
The script includes default commissions of 0.2% per trade (configurable).
- Dinamic table with Price positions to plan your limit orders if you are trading manually
- Highly customizable and optimizable.
If you want to trade longs and shorts, it is advisable to create 2 different alerts. In most cases, the optimal parameters for longs are not the same as for shorts. In a forthcoming update I will enable separate configurations.
For better performance the script uses real time price information, for this reason Tradingview may warn you that there is "repainting", as the backtest information does not contain the information of each tick but only the open, close, high and low values of each candle.
To avoid this, you can disable the "calculate on every tick" option from the strategy settings panel.
SuperTrend Multiple Risk Management SystemThis is an improved SuperTrend strategy that makes use of multiple types of risk management options.
We have for example :
1. Take profit and stop loss levels based on support and resistence created with RSI and Pivot Lines(dynamic)
For example, if we have an oversold level and a pivot low , we can take that low point for support.(or resistence for short)
If instead we have an overbought level and a pivot high, we can take that high point for resistence.(orsupport for short)
2. Take profit and stop loss levels based on swing low and swing high points calculated with highest high and lowest low function(dynamic)
For example we take the lowest point in the last 100 candles. We calculate the distance from the current point to that one, and we apply this value as a take profit point. Same for stop loss
3. Take profit and stop loss levels based on % movements(fixed)
For example we have a tp or sl of 10%. If either of them make a movement of 10% from the entry point, they will get triggered.
4. Break even stop loss once the asset moves certain % in our direction.
For example we have a long breakeven of 5%. If the asset moves 5% in our direction, we move the stop loss on the entry point so if the trade pullback and crosses with this point it will exit from the trade.
All the exits from the strategy are happening at the end of the candle close, since we are checking if inside the current candle we cross with either high or low of the candles parts the set prices from any of the above options.
At the same time we can combine multiple of them into one, and we can either exit based on which one was hit first, or use a quantity reduction of the trade and exit multiple times when we hit any of the levels.
This tool is for educational purpose only.
Its main purpose is to show the difference between having a risk management or without.
For example on this scenario of BTC USD 4h, I found out that the drawdawn was reduced by more than half when using different type of risk management, compared to not use one at all, while at the same time increasing the profits by a huge margin.
BTC Risk Metric - Estimates the risk of BTC price versus the USD
- To be used on the daily timeframe
- Works best on a BTC pair that has a lot of bars, e.g. The Bitcoin All Time History Index
- 0 is the lowest risk, 1 is the highest risk
- Historically, buying when the risk was low and selling when the risk was high would have yielded good ROI
- The risk bands are 0.1 in width and are highlighted on the plot
Typical Strategy:
- weighted DCA into the market when risk <0.5, do nothing between 0.5-0.6 and weighted DCA out of the market when risk >0.6
- x = buy amount per DCA interval
- y = 1/10th total BTC held by the user
- if 0 ≤ Risk < 0.1 then buy 5x
- if 0.1 ≤ Risk < 0.2 then buy 4x
- if 0.2 ≤ Risk < 0.3 then buy 3x
- if 0.3 ≤ Risk < 0.4 then buy 2x
- if 0.4 ≤ Risk < 0.5 then buy x
- if 0.5 ≤ Risk < 0.6 then do nothing
- if 0.6 ≤ Risk < 0.7 then sell y
- if 0.7 ≤ Risk < 0.8 then sell 2y
- if 0.8 ≤ Risk < 0.9 then sell 3y
- if 0.9 ≤ Risk ≤ 1.0 then sell 4y
EMA - MA 21/55/100/200 with Horizontal Lines and LabelsThis indicator will help you to get dynamic support lines of EMA 21,55,100,200 and MA 55,100,200. You can get the Price of EMA And MA in Labels also.
Hope It will help you.
Trade with your own risk. I am not liable for any loss and profit based on this indicator.
Thank you.
Risk Management: Position Size & Risk RewardHere is a Risk Management Indicator that calculates stop loss and position sizing based on the volatility of the stock. Most traders use a basic 1 or 2% Risk Rule, where they will not risk more than 1 or 2% of their capital on any one trade. I went further and applied four levels of risk: 0.25%, 0.50%, 1% and 2%. How you apply these different levels of risk is what makes this indicator extremely useful. Here are some common ways to apply this script:
• If the stock is extremely volatile and has a better than 50% chance of hitting the stop loss, then risk only 0.25% of your capital on that trade.
• If a stock has low volatility and has less than 20% change of hitting the stop loss, then risk 2% of your capital on that trade.
• Risking anywhere between 0.25% and 2% is purely based on your intuition and assessment of the market.
• If you are on a losing streak and you want to cut back on your position sizing, then lowering the Risk % can help you weather the storm.
• If you are on a winning streak and your entries are experiencing a higher level of success, then gradually increase the Risk % to reap bigger profits.
• If you want to trade outside the noise of the market or take on more noise/risk, you can adjust the ATR Factor.
• … and whatever else you can imagine using it to benefit your trading.
The position size is calculated using the Capital and Risk % fields, which is the percentage of your total trading capital (a.k.a net liquidity or Capital at Risk). If you instead want to calculate the position size based on a specific amount of money, then enter the amount in the Custom Risk Amt input box. Any amount greater than 0 in the Custom Risk Amt field will override the values in the Capital and Risk % fields.
The stop loss is calculated by using the ATR. The default setting is the 14 RMA, but you can change the length and smoothing of the true range moving average to your liking. Selecting a different length and smoothing affects the stop loss and position size, so choose these values very carefully.
The ATR Factor is a multiplier of the ATR. The ATR Factor can be used to adjust the stop loss and move it outside of the market noise. For the more volatile stock, increase the factor to lower the stop loss and reduce the chance of getting stopped out. For stocks with less volatility , you can lower the factor to raise the stop loss and increase position size. Adjusting the ATR Factor can also be useful when you want the stop loss to be at or below key levels of support.
The Market Session is the hours the market is open. The Market Session only affects the Opening Range Breakout (ORB) option, so it’s important to change these values if you’re trading the ORB and you’re outside of Eastern Standard Time or you’re trading in a foreign exchange.
The ORB is a bonus to the script. When enabled, the indicator will only appear in the first green candle of the day (09:30:00 or 09:30 AM EST or the start time specified in Market Session). When using the ORB, the stop loss is based on the spread of the first candle at the Open. The spread is the difference between the High and Low of the green candle. On 1-day or higher timeframes, the indicator will be the spread of the last (or current) candle.
The output of the indicator is a label overlaying the chart:
1. ATR (14 RMA x2) – This indicated that the stop loss is determined by the ATR. The x2 is the ATR Factor. If ORB is selected, then the first line will show SPREAD, instead of ATR.
2. Capital – This is your total capital or capital at risk.
3. Risk X% of Capital – The amount you’re risking on a % of the Capital. If a Custom Risk Amt is entered, then Risk Amount will be shown in place of Capital and Risk % of Capital.
4. Entry – The current price.
5. Stop Loss – The stop loss price.
6. -1R – The stop loss price and the amount that will be lost of the stop loss is hit.
7. – These are the target prices, or levels where you will want to take profit.
This script is primarily meant for people who are new to active trading and who are looking for a sound risk management strategy based on market volatility . This script can also be used by the more experienced trader who is using a similar system, but also wants to see it applied as an indicator on TradingView. I’m looking forward to maintaining this script and making it better in future revisions. If you want to include or change anything you believe will be a good change or feature, then please contact me in TradingView.
Full strategy AllinOne with risk management MACD RSI PSAR ATR MAHey, I am glad to present you one of the strategies where I put a lot of time in it.
This strategy can be adapted to all type of timecharts like scalping, daytrading or swing.
The context is the next one :
First we have the ATR to calculate our TP/SL points. At the same time we have another rule once we enter(we enter based on % risk from total equity, in this example 1%, at the same time, lowest ammount for this example is 0.1 lots, but can be modified to 0.01), so we can exit both by tp/sl points, or by losing 1% of our equity or winning 1% of our total equity. It's dinamic.
The strategy is made from
Trend direction :
First confirmation point :
Crossover between 10EMA and Bollinger bands middle point
Second confirmation
MACD histogram
Third confirmation
RSI overbought/oversold levels
For entries : we check trend with psar, then once ema cross bb middle point, we confirm together with rsi level for overbought/oversold and macd histogram ( > 0 or <0).
We exit, when we have opposite sign, like from buy to sell or sell to buy, or when we reach tp/sl points, or when we reach % basaed equity points.
It can be changed to be fixed lots, or fixed tp/sl , you just have to uncomment the size from entries, and tp/sl lines.
At the same time, it has the possibility if one desires, to trade only concrete forex session like european, asian and so on for intraday trading.
Hope you enjoy it.
Let me know how it goes.
Trend spider glueThis script works on all market types.
This script will show you when to long, short, exit (stop loss) and Take profit.
Signals take into account various elements such as momentum, volume , moving averages and long term trend analysis. Stop loss function is included to show you when a signal is invalidated.
Use this strategy strictly, patiently and with discipline to prevent unneeded losses, this will result in long term consistent profits.
This script has been set to work best on the intraday time frames, however it also works on the longer timeframes. Use the settings tab to dilute the indicators to ur own market.
Lastly, this indicator will not give signals if the market is not trending.
PM me here to get a free trial for the indicator !
Version 2 will be coming soon which will integerate more elements to allow for more accurate signals and faster stop losses !
disclaimer: although this indicator is taking many elements into account and is highly accurate the market is never certain, we are not responsible for any losses the script may result in as we are not financial advisors.
Two MM Cross (Signal version)Hi everyone
This is a dummy two MM cross script to be used for the Trade Manager
I'll publish a video explaining how to use the Trade Manager as I received many questions.
This was my fault for not being clear enough. A video will do great wonders here
Order Size (Units) and Entry/Stop PricesThis is a risk management script derived from the Turtle trading system. I will define what is needed for each input and will also include a brief description about the intended implementation of the risk management strategy. The risk strategy can be used with any trading strategy. This script displays the order size as a unit. 1 unit is the intended size of an entry, first or adds. If trading contracts, Unit Value is presented in terms of number of contracts. If NOT, Unit Value is presented in terms of total cost for a unit in the currency of the market being traded.
"Available Capital:" - This number should be the TOTAL amount of capital for use in trading account. DO NOT adjust for leverage. The default available capital is set at 15000.
"Account Currency:" - This should be the currency type for the amount entered into "Available Capital:".
"Does Account Currency Need To Be Converted?" - The currency type of "Available Capital:" must match the currency type of the market being traded. If the value of capital is not known for the market currency type, this option will perform the necessary calculation.
"Exchange used to derive BTC value" - This option is used to determine the exchange rate for currency conversions.
"Market Being Traded:" - This option reflects the trading pair of the asset being traded.
"Trading with leverage?" - This option will allow a user-specified constant value (i.e. leverage factor) to be used for calculating the account balance and number of units (i.e. order size). This is option is set to "No Leverage" by default, which will only allow the specified available capital to be used for balance and unit calculations.
"Amount of Leverage? (1-100)" - This number is the leverage factor being applied to the account per trade (e.g. 2.5, 5, 25, 50, 100). The default leverage factor is 100.
"Trading Contracts?" - This option will allow a user-specified value, for contracts, to be used when calculating unit value per order. This option is intended to be used when trading a derivative product (e.g. a contract.)
"Cost Per Contract" - This number should be equal to the value of the derivative, quoted in dollars. (e.g. Bitmex contracts are valued at $1, so the cost per contract = 1. Deribit offers contracts valued at $10, so the cost per contract =10.)
"Risk Percent" - This number should be the percent of capital you are willing to risk for each trade. (e.g. A $10,000 trading account using 2% risk would risk LOSING $20 on a trade.) Increasing or decreasing the risk amount will adjust stops and adds. This strategy would normally consider the total account equity when calculating the size of every new position. Currently, this indicator only calculates on the amount entered into the "Available Capital:" field. I plan to address this factor before implementing the script into the final complete trading strategy script. The default risk percent is set at 2.
Please remember, this indicator is technically in a testing phase. It makes up only a small piece of what will be a much more involved script.
***I am having some trouble with getting correct calculations when trading "BTC Market". I have yet to determine if the issue is due to the TradingView feeds or if the issue is in the actual code. I have, so far, calculated differences of 15-30% when comparing an asset value between it's trading pairs. I am always open to ideas and suggestions.***